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Error message when adding sta/mask help pls

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Hi all

Me and a few mate are having the same problem, I have searched over and over on more than 4 site (and yes i have used the search button no joy sad_o.gif ) its now been a day still no joy so its time to ask for help smile_o.gif

right, now to the problem. We are at the point of putting the sat/mask on in visitor.

What we have done so far is ( tools---> Project Preferences, in the top line where it says "Folder Textures" write: MyMap\Data)

then put in the files that are asked for, its here we get the problem it comes up with..........

Error loading 'P:\MyMap\Source\mapLegend.png

dont see why this is happening, i have mapLegend.png and i have replaced it but no joy

help pls

thank you


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when you load the layers.cfg configuration file, in it you should write:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Layers


class terrain


texture = "BHD_mogadishu\data\terrain_mco.png";



class beachsand


texture = "BHD_mogadishu\data\beachsand_mco.png";



class sand


texture = "BHD_mogadishu\data\sand_mco.png";



class grass


texture = "BHD_mogadishu\data\grass_mco.png";




class Legend



class Colors








(obviously don't put the textures i use for my map)

then the mapLegend.png must go in the directory you wrote smile_o.gif

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mine is like that already mate, but thank tou anyway

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that's strange... maybe open the png in PS, and save it again... maybe some texture format problem... try and tell us

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still no joy mate, thank you anyway mate

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my 2 cents on this would be

1) try and redownload the file from the wiki

2) check for spelling errors

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my 2 cents on this would be

1) try and redownload the file from the wiki

2) check for spelling errors

I concur. When I first started out with Visitor I quickly learned that the most minute detail can cause severe problems, sometimes I had to decem-check all the paths before I found an error. Being an absent-minded person can cost you valuable time I'm afraid. confused_o.gif

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there are 3 of us trying to get this to work we have checked for spellings over and over spent a few hours checking with no joy and have redownload the mapLegend quite a few times as well still with no joy.

thank you anyway guys

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You have a: sat_lco.png, Mask_lco.png, Maplegend.png and a layers.cfg, yes ?

all put in P:\Mymap\source

Now in P:\Mymap\data you have all detailed texture files (png's) and some Rvmat files ?

I'm not sure if visitor will change all detailed texture files to .paa files automaticly but if NOT, you should convert all .png's in the data folder to .paa files, then open up the Rvmat files and change all .png to .paa, be sure the paths are right.

Then you should also change the paths in the layer.cfg file.

Quote[/b] ]class Layers


class terrain


texture = "mymap\data\terrain_mco.paa";



class beachsand


texture = "mymap\data\beachsand_mco.paa";



class sand


texture = "mymap\data\sand_mco.paa";



class grass


texture = "mymap\data\grass_mco.paa";




class Legend



class Colors








you can leave the LEGEND as PNG.

Thats it.



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i have it working now thanks for all your help.

my mate came across it we replaced as file names that had caps to small letters and it worked, just to let any1 know how to sort it if they have the same problem.

once again thanks for all your help guys biggrin_o.gif

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