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AI and camp ladders

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In my so-called (noob) mission, which is having more and more problems, I placed MOVE waypoints with house positions on a camps outlook posts. Looked nice while I was there, they got up. However, when I drive up from far away, I find that all of them (yes, ALL) have fallen down.

So I observe from a distance and see that they climb up the ladder, only to immediately fall to their death.

When player is close, it works.

How do I deal with this?

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If its not important that you can see them climb on, just use the setPos function to put them on the roofs or places you want them to be.

Otherwise, I am not sure but you might want to try the ladder hotfix that was released by BI, don't know if it will fix anything but doesn't hurt to try.

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I used to use setPos, but even that is very uncontrollable. I actually wanted to have guards being replaced every second hour or so, so it would be nice to have this work.

I think the hotfix got installed with QG, but I did say no to installing the 1.08 patch as that was installed already.

I am no longer having problems using ladders myself, but now AI are having serious issues; more than before I think.

During testing (about 100 tries or so), I have not seen once that the AI has arrived guardpost alive wow_o.gif

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