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Script for idling units

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In my mission I use the ups script for enemy units to do patrols. And that's what they're doing, patrolling. However, I would like to have a few enemies idling in the city in a natural way; walking about, sitting down, doing various animations, practicing, watching around, chatting with other npcs, taking a piss maybe, you get the idea smile_o.gif -- idling.

I can't use the dismissed waypoint type, because the untis will drift waaay outside of safe boundaries.

So, are the available any scripts for either ofp or arma that achieves this? Similar to the urban patrol script, except urban idling script, sortof biggrin_o.gif

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scripting such behaviour would be quite a challenge, and i do not know of any such script.

the simplest solution may be to use dismissed combined with either a trigger or script that sends the unit back to the waypoint if they wander more than a certain distance from it.

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Although it won't make use of more idling animations, it does sound like a more simple approach. Have to keep that in mind.

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have you tried just setting a few with a cycling waypoint with a respective playmove for each unit? Sure it's not dynamic but it should be ok so long as you're not staying the area for ages

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Wouldn't work as all units in groups would work in formation destroying the illusion. Disbanding from group would quickly create too many groups.

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