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Hi pings

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I have a problem at serverlist.

almost ALL servers turns up with

huge pings. I doublecheck with

TPTEST and everything on my

end is fine. Same as allways.

Some servers with little or no players at all

can be like 2-300ms and some other server

with like 25-30 comes out with 67ms...


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Depends on where the Server is in conparison to your ISP connection, where the server is located and how far you are from the server. Now if you have had alot of Resources running with ArmA running then Alt Tabed out then back in, You could experiance some problems like that. At Lease it happens to me sad_o.gif

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Is it GameSpy that the lobby runs through in Arma? I never look now as they run so many lobbys.

Anyway in Aus you can get huge pings in the lobby but great ones once connected.

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