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Queens Gambit: Classnames

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Does anyone have a list with the classnames of the new units that comes with Queens Gambit? There are several new units included in the expansion that are not visible in the editor (ships, static objects and a couple of mercenary units).

I also need help to unPbo the missions that came with QB. The mission.sqm's seem to be encrypted somehow. Can anyone direct me to a program tthat can open them? I'm still using Amalfi's old PBO-maker, and I suppose it's outdated by now???

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Without even having QG, I will say that the mission file you are looking at is not encrypted.

It is probably 'binarized' or 'rapified' depending on who you ask.

In these ArmA times, you should probably change your PBO tool to something like cpbo from http://www.kegetys.net/arma/

Download "ArmA Tools". In that package you get cpbo and unrap which could help you with that mission.sqm.

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Thank's, that makes sense. All the other files (.jpg, .ogg, etc) was completely normal after unPbo'ing the campaigns in QG with Amalfis old program. Will try Kegety's program asap...

EDIT: I'm still looking for a list of classnames, if someone's got 'em

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This was originally posted in the General section due to the question being first asked there, however re-posting as the question is aked here in correct section.


class SoldierMB : SoldierWB

class SoldierMMG : SoldierMB

class SoldierMR : SoldierMB

class SoldierMS : SoldierMB

class SoldierMD : SoldierMB

class SoldierMG : SoldierMB

class SoldierMTeamLeader : SoldierMB

class SoldierSpy : SoldierGB

SoldierPB : SoldierEB

class SoldierPSaboteur : SoldierEB

class SoldierPMedic : SoldierEB

class SoldierPAT : SoldierEB

class SoldierPMG : SoldierEB

class UH60MGRACS

side = TGuerrila;

class UH60Racs

side = TGuerrila;

class G_40mm_HE_6G30 : GrenadeBase {

class 6Rnd_HE_6G30 : CA_Magazine {

class 6G30 : Mgun {

class DATSUN_PK1 : Car {

side = TEast;




class HILUX_PK1 : Car {

side = TEast;

class HILUX_PK2 : HILUX_PK1 {



class DC3 : Plane {

side = TCivilian;

class HMMWV_civil : HMMWV {

side = TCivilian;

Note: strange that the mercs inherit from the first merc, but the partisans ALL inherit from SoldierEB

Quirky, huh?

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WarWolf @ Oct. 03 2007,00:42)]strange that the mercs inherit from the first merc, but the partisans ALL inherit from SoldierEB

Quirky, huh?

Not so strange. The Merc's are personalized models, with custom head models, different body sizes and so on. The Eastern equivalent (the partisans) are basically just reskinns of the original ArmA soldiers. Oh... and thank's for the list smile_o.gif

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