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Help with game

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Ok MP works fine (once and a while I will have to flush vram to clear lods), but once I start a SP campaign I have major graphics problems.  Textures looks like a 3rd grader drew them...but I can flush my vram and it will be fine for 20 sec or so and then it will go right back to the way it was.  Cut scenes will studder and skip also.  Here is a link to my settings screen. http://i186.photobucket.com/albums....-29.jpg

I have tried different settings with the game...changing things from high to med...and even different resolutions...but nothing seems to be helping the horrible graphics problems.  Here are my system specs.  I would really appreciate some help.

WinXP Home

Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe Mobo

AMD 64 FX-60 CPU dc

3 GB Corsair XMS

XFX 8800 GTX GPU (Ver 6.14.0011.5822)

I also have two verison of ArmA. On one HD I have Atari version, and on another HD I have the BI version with Queens Gambit installed.  Both versions give me bad graphics in SP.

I am also having problems in MP with horrible Fog..even with my VD set to 10k





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Personally I would lower your gamma alot. Adjust the brightness/contrast levels with your monitor and your gamma settings with the Nvidia control panel.

Lower your view distance if you have to, crank up the terrain detail to as high as you can at around 6000-7000 or even 5000. That's what I did. I'm running an 8800 GTS 640 MB.

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Personally I would lower your gamma alot. Adjust the brightness/contrast levels with your monitor and your gamma settings with the Nvidia control panel.

Lower your view distance if you have to, crank up the terrain detail to as high as you can at around 6000-7000 or even 5000. That's what I did. I'm running an 8800 GTS 640 MB.

Yeah that is one thing I forgot to mention...since taking that pic, I had lowered my gamma down to 1.2.

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Have you tried the new ForceWare drivers? Nvidia just released them a day or so ago. Apparently they've addressed (at least partly) some of the "fog" issues being seen in many games on 8800 cards. The new 1.09 patch is said to have a fix for this too (when it's out that is). With both fixes/improvements combined all should be well! Oh and lowering view distance may help some. It's rare you need to see that far anyway, and in MP I think settings can't be higher than the host machine (view distance wise although I may be totally wrong).

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Have you tried the new ForceWare drivers? Nvidia just released them a day or so ago. Apparently they've addressed (at least partly) some of the "fog" issues being seen in many games on 8800 cards. The new 1.09 patch is said to have a fix for this too (when it's out that is). With both fixes/improvements combined all should be well! Oh and lowering view distance may help some. It's rare you need to see that far anyway, and in MP I think settings can't be higher than the host machine (view distance wise although I may be totally wrong).

Actually you are right. Today I lowered my view distance by half and noticed a 100% increse in SP performance. I was also able to turn all of my other options to very high and it runs smooth as silk now. Thanks for the advice.

I haven't tried the new drivers for the fog tho..I will give them a try because the fog really is a pain in the a$$.

Thanks for the help guys

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