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How to know the names of the units??

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I need to know the exact names ( for DAC addon ) of the units of a addon, so I can use it in DAC, so how can I know the maes of the units present in a PBO??


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Extract pbo and read from config.cpp with notepad or textpad etc.

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Exact. DePBO the addon, open the config.cpp lake a look at the class CfgVehicle section of this file. Most configs has the information you're searching for on the beginning in class CfgPatches like this:

class CfgPatches


class UK1_TRD_RAF




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Either that or place all the units you want to know the names of in the mission editor, save the mission as something like "units"

then go to Operation Flashpoint\User\<your name>\Missions\units.into\mission.sqm

Look thru there.

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The method championed by Blazin is the best. You can get the name of any unit "on the fly"

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