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CTD "Error Code" ?

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Alright, I dont know wtf it is, but it is pissing me off very very much.

I have an 8800 GTX, Dual Core X2 3.0 GHZ proccesor, and 1 GB of ram. I like like heel first of all (0-60 fps, jumpy as hell).

now the real issue. I CTD very, very often. It crashes, waits about 30 seconds or so, then says "Error Code 8007000E"..

someone please help, what do I do, what is this cause, what the hell.

thanks.  mad_o.gif

*sorry if this is the rong place for this, I really dont know where to put it.

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XP or vista?

There seems to be a fix for vista users. Have a look around at other threads.

IM on XP, using latest beta drivers, and using the -maxmem= command in shortcut.

Im actually using -maxmem=620 most use 512

But I though Since I have a 8800GTS 640MB It may be a little better to raise it some but not go all the way to 640 to allow for some unused space....

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