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OK, this is very annoying, coz i dunno why this s*** happens. It seems it's a random thing.



2GB geil ultra 6400 cl4

Asus 1950XT 512 on 7.9 with traytools

Seagate 320GB sata2

650 PSU

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Most likely corrupt data, overheating CPU, or faulty RAM.

Under normal circumstances the game should never be requesting negative amount of memory to be allocated, which is what your picture shows.

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Unfortunately 4 me, CPU is not overheating, i have checked the RAM for errors, none find. It just might be the HDD, corupt files...?

TY 4 your reply Suma

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Make sure you have proper airflow over RAM and Gfx card aswell. Arma seems to stress components at times and adding an additional case fan or an extra fan for the RAM solved it for most users with heat issues.

Most users didn´t believe they had heat issues, still when they removed the side panel of their case and tested with a fan it solved it for most of them.

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yeah, i thought about that. I guess i'll have to try. Altho Geil comes in aluminum, and the e6600 is a hard cpu to burn. But still..

I'm gonna run memtest for RAM again, check all my fans again and look into my possible HDD problem? Does anyone know a stress program/check soft for HDDs?

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Have you got pagefile disabled?

I've only seen that out of memory error when I tried to use the disable-pagefile tweak mentioned in tips n tweaks - using many addons it took a while but eventually came up with it partway through play - cannot remember the numbers it quoted though.

It may be possible also that a corrupted pbo download, if the download was partially corrupted, could cause this error too if file length corrupted someplace? Maybe wrong but worth trying.

Try disabling your user-addons and run vanilla ArmA with pagefile enabled to see if the problem goes away.

If so then just work backwards in time removing the latest installed new addons back to the oldest, one after the other.

If it doesn't work then uninstall/resinstall will probably be your only answer.

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