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Single shot M136

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Cheers! I've been trying to make the M136 as a single shot, disposable weapon as it is IRL. But somewhere on the way I fail.

Here are the two essential parts of my script:


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches


class Real_M136


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {"M136"};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons","CAAir"};



class cfgWeapons


/*external*/ class Launcher;

class M136 : Launcher {

class Eventhandlers


fired = "_this execVM ""\Real_M136\Scripts\realm136.sqf""";



class M136Used : M136 {

displayName = "M136 Launcher (Used)";

magazines[] = {FakeMagazine};




<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit = _this select 0;

_weapon = _this select 2;

if ((_weapon in ["M136"]) && (local _unit)) then {

_weaponused = switch (_weapon) do {

case "M136":{"M136Used"};


sleep 0.5;

_unit removeWeapon _weapon;

_unit addWeapon _weaponused;

_unit selectWeapon _weaponused;

_unit action ["DROPWEAPON",_unit,_weaponused];


I managed to get the above to start when the eventhandler was specified for a unit class. But since that will only work with the units that have that eventhandler added I wanted to make it actual for the weapon itself, thus compatible with other units.

When I did this however I can't get it to work anymore. Is it because the "_this select 0" and so are directed at other things since I'm running the eventhandler from the weapon's class, or what could it be?

PS: Yes, the script is made to be modular so that if one has an M72 LAW, RPG-22 or whatever they can be added too.

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I have used and modified his script in trying to make a one-shot M136. The fired event handler worked great from the weapon.

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How about if you added it to a gamelogic that then added the eventhandler to all the units used in that particular mission (its an arsey way of doing it, but its a lot easier than adding the code to each unit's init manually). That way all mission makers need to do if they want to use the one-shot M136 is just add the gamelogic and it will automatically be added to everyone's init.

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The addon changes the CAManBase class to have it's init start the script. So the init field is taken care of automatically.

EDIT: The init script thingy works fine in: offline, hosting your own MP, but has sketchy working when a client is on a dedicated server. Some of the units worked while others never got their M136_Hidden magazine in the mail. More testing is required, perhaps a more reliable (extended eventhandlers mod?) or mundane method of making sure all AT-4 /not used/ weapon holders are given shiny magazines automatically.

The weapon swap out script works beautifully as always.

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