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Trying to activate a trigger based on direction

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Hello. I have a trigger/script set up so that when a player enters a room, a timer begins. Everything works perfect except when I exit the room, I have to cross the trigger which activates the timer again. (This trigger must be activated every time I enter the room so putting the trigger on "once" will not work.)

My question is if it's possible to only activate the trigger when crossing it from a certain direction (entering the room)?


Is there a way so that once I activate the trigger, it will not reactivate until I leave and reset the room (which I have done using another script).

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Not sure what its for but it sounds like somekind of clear a room test so what you could do is use a radio command to lets say make the trigger live.

this is sort of how you set it up.

Radio trigger:

Activation: one of the radio commands

Condition: This

OnActivation: Variable1=true

Your trigger:

Condition:YourStuf and Variable1

Onactivation:yourstuff; Variable1 = false

If you havent guesed it yourstuf is what you got in your trigger now.

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Use two triggers, one just outside the room, one at the doorway. It could get confused in the case of multiple players/units in the area.

Outside one

Unit present, repeatable.

Condition: this

On Act: someVariable = true;

Doorway one, repeatable:

Unit present, repeatable.

Condition: this && someVariable

On Activations: someVariable = false; <whatever else you need it to do>


A single trigger, with something like (although this trigger will also fire if the player exits backwards, and wont fire if they enter backwards)

Condition: this && (0 < (getDir (thislist select 0)) && (getDir (thislist select 0)) < 180);

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u cud just have da triger cover da whole room... im not sure but i think itll work...

nother way wud b 2 set ur triger like dat


unit present, repeatable

condition : this

on activition :if (varname mod 2 = 0) then {[] exec "urscript.sqs"}

on deactivtion : varname = varname + 1

but dont forget 2 1st put varname = 0 in ur units init


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Yeah things will be more difficult because it will be more than one player involved with the trigger. 4 people enter a room and 4 must exit.

I don't like the use of radio triggers in this case. I want it to be automatic with as little user interaction as possible. I do like that suggestion though and appreciate your input.

I haven't tried this out but I think LCD344 suggested something that might make me look stupid. Right now the trigger just covers the doorway meaning once you are completely in the room, the player(s) are no longer in the trigger. If I expand the trigger to cover the entire room, then the trigger will stay active until everyone leaves. I will try this and see if it works. I'll post back later.

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LCD344, you have plenty of time on a message board to properly write a post. Make the effort to communicate in a clear and understandable manner. Not everyone understands netzien speak.

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