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Started messing with the new Vistor tool and whipped this up today, still undecided on size and shape, anyhow heres a quick pic


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When you start making islands, start very small. Mine is roughly the same size as ramandi. This way you save heaps of time as will compile the island alot before you start to understand how it all comes together.The terrain.png is the hardest part I found, Take your time and use the RGB numbers to gently slope the edges and make hills.

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I use Island Textures together with wilbur it works very well wink_o.gif


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Been tinkering and have a playable island now, still need to sort some coast line textures. I can have fun and start adding objects now.





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oops sorry about the size of the pics.

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Keep the image size below 100kb.



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no worries I have resized them

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