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Just a simple question to bis

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Snake1999 @ Feb. 23 2002,15:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpaceAlex @ Feb. 23 2002,15:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I always thought that you're a moderator.<span id='postcolor'>

Givin Ex mod status would be like giving Richard Simons the status "President of the EU" tounge.gif

( I just woke up... )<span id='postcolor'>

I wanna be mod AND president of the EU smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Feb. 23 2002,14:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Moderators have this stupid pic:mode.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Yea. A fat soldier. biggrin.gif

I'm always looking at the first picture.

And i agree with Snake. tounge.gif

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eh hemmm....

aren't we forgetting the fact that some Generals did not like Gorbachev and decided to goto Moscow with their weapons?

Probably that's where BIS got idea for original campaign..A renegade commander.

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Exronin Your comments to the other people who bought this game is uncalled for. You have just lost a loyal supporter in Operation Flashpoint!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Feb. 23 2002,18:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Er why should he care? It's not like he made OFP.<span id='postcolor'>

ditto confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (GulfWar @ Feb. 23 2002,18:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Exronin Your comments to the other people who bought this game is uncalled for. You have just lost a loyal supporter in Operation Flashpoint!<span id='postcolor'>

I don't quite understand this comment,, confused.gif

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The "big red machine" have always been portrayed by its western counterparts as evil. Not because they were Soviet, but because they were communists. Its not many years ago Berlin was divided in two...

I live in Sweden, born -74. Sweden dont ever have conflicts or international scandals of any kind. We are not a part of NATO and we are ever so diplomatic when it comes to warissues...Even so we have been taught that the Soviet is evil and its politics wrong. When I did my military service ´94-95, Russia was still the only enemy...

Today we see Russia as a former opponent. We dont see Russia as a stable democracy, we think they are still somewhat of loose cannons over there. The main things U hear about Russia thesedays is "maffia", "lost nukes", "environmental disasters" and things like that.

I could imagine that this animosity against Russia must have been even greater in NATO countries. And it must have been HUGE in the U.S (being the main commiehaters in the world). I think these countries (U.S, U.K, France etc, etc...) look upon Russia just as we in Sweden does. As loose cannons, a country not to be trusted...

Sure, we are polite when it comes to political relations and stuff like that, but we dont really trust them, do we?

The movies/books made under the coldwar-period, e.g James Bond, does mirror these western thinking. Propaganda for the masses. Soviets/communists are evil.

The movies/books made today naturally mirrors todays thinking. Take Tom Clancy for example. In "Red Storm Rising" (published ´86) the Soviets are evil. In his latest book "The Bear and the Dragon" Russia is the victim and China the evil one. Still propaganda for the masses. West doesnt look upon China as one of the good guys. Sure, we trade with them for our own prosperity, but we dont really trust them, do we?

The thing with games is all the same. OFP simulates a conflict where a renegade Russian general tries to do bad thing to NATO. Not unrealistic. I know for a fact that even we in Sweden have training scenarios at our Military Academy reminding of this game.

Finally, my point.... smile.gif :

15 years ago Soviet, as a country, was the fictive enemy. Today Russian rouge elements is the fictive enemy. Because this is what we speculate about. Yesterday we thought that the Red Army was gonna march all over us, today we belive that Russian badguys will implement their demonic plans upon us.

I believe BIS wanted to simulate a conflict between NATO and SOVIET/RUSSIA, but that would have been not so politically correct by today standards. Therefore a "Russian renegade rogue element" was implemented instead. Because that isnt unrealistic. And the fact that they are from Chech Rep. and have a dramatic history with Soviet makes them prone to choose such a conflict. I would imagine that quite few of the elders in Chech Rep. hate Russia.

Please, this is all written in a hurry, and I havent thought all of this through so my reasonings may be a little offside and full of holes...but dont jump into "flamemode"...please, because I really hate that... smile.gif

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Sure its just a game. But! Dont you think that such games are makes opinion about russians? People playing this game and find out that russians are stupid, villains, murderers, spiteful people?

1 year ago i spoke with my friend who leaved Russia when he was only 7 years old, now he is 25... In school he has learned that Russia start WWII and Russia loosed it then... That Russians all alcoholics, and they are very dangerous nation... I was shoked. I told you that coz its unfair. Games like this one, teach people to kill enemy and enemy can be only ONE - russians.

May be it was very stupid to start such topic, but I sick of all those scripts... You teach people to hate us?

About Red Hummer: who is that Lukin? Lukin simply the murderer without conscience. Even in campaign for Russian we were bad. Indicative example.

You can not imagine: how is American or Australian, or Czechoslovak may be bad. Right? Yes I'm right. For you there is only one evil - Russians.

P.S. About "JUST A GAME" - look at VBS1 who use it? Army? Sure... On whom they shoots, what do you think? wink.gif

Anyway Its just a game guys, just a game... wink.gif

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im sure know one dislikes the game because the russians are bad, im killing ppl im happy, thats good enuff for me smile.gif.

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Sorry T3chnaTe, but I have to quote Goodspeed this time..... smile.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

But! Dont you think that such games are makes opinion about russians? People playing this game and find out that russians are stupid,  villains, murderers, spiteful people?<span id='postcolor'>

No. There are many more reasonable ways for any country to be perceived as stupid and spiteful (in the real world). Their actions, foreign policy, treatment of others, etc., etc.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

1 year ago i spoke with my friend who leaved Russia when he was only 7 years old, now he is 25... In school he has learned that Russia start WWII and Russia loosed it then... That Russians all alcoholics, and they are very dangerous nation... I was shoked. I told you that coz its unfair. Games like this one, teach people to kill enemy and enemy can be only ONE - russians.

<span id='postcolor'>

All cultures have stereotypes, many justified, many not. Very few are flattering. Any clear thinking individual should be able to form their own opinion and see through what are usually comments made to poke fun.

You don't say where your friend went to when they left Russia. Wherever it is, I highly doubt that OFP and other computer games are being used as educational tools, teaching children the finer points of international diplomacy with our Russian friends. I hardly think BIS can be held accountable for poor and/or unbalanced schooling.

It's an interesting thought though! OFP in school, wow what a curriculum!  biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Goodspeed @ Feb. 23 2002,23:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sure its just a game. But! Dont you think that such games are makes opinion about russians? People playing this game and find out that russians are stupid,  villains, murderers, spiteful people?

1 year ago i spoke with my friend who leaved Russia when he was only 7 years old, now he is 25... In school he has learned that Russia start WWII and Russia loosed it then... That Russians all alcoholics, and they are very dangerous nation... I was shoked. I told you that coz its unfair. Games like this one, teach people to kill enemy and enemy can be only ONE - russians.

May be it was very stupid to start such topic, but I sick of all those scripts... You teach people to hate us?

About Red Hummer: who is that Lukin?  Lukin simply the murderer without conscience. Even in campaign for Russian we were bad. Indicative example.

You can not imagine: how is American or Australian, or  Czechoslovak may be bad. Right? Yes I'm right. For you there is only one evil - Russians.

P.S. About "JUST A GAME" - look at VBS1 who use it? Army? Sure... On whom they shoots, what do you think? wink.gif

Anyway Its just a game guys, just a game... wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Bloody hell, if we took our opinions based on games, then the world is in serious trouble. You've got to get a grip on whats real and whats not. And about your friend, where did he go to learn about the SU starting WWII, cos I'm British, a former opponant of the SU, and I seamed to of remember being taught that we declared war on Germany when we made an ultimatimatum about Germany's advances into Poland and Czechkoslovakia, which Germany ignored. The Soviet Union by the way invaded Finland a year before the war.

Also shall we all remember the Stalinist Purges, Hungary, Czechkoslovakia, Afghanistan, shall I go on.

I am personally a bit tired of seeing films about "How America won the War", not remembering that us British where responsible for most of the turning points in that war *cough* U-571. But sod it I can get along with my life no problem tounge.gif

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No one seems to realise that he have one important point not covered here! Who is that guy who said this:

"Exronin Your comments to the other people who bought this game is uncalled for. You have just lost a loyal supporter in Operation Flashpoint!"

And what does he mean confused.gif This is freaking me out, I NEED to know!

And you know who won the war? Mr. Grim Reaper did....

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Sorry Ex-RoNiN, I had dismissed it as the ramblings of the OFP'nly challenged, they do exist you know.  tounge.gif

As far as what was meant by that remark, I have no idea...unless he is perhaps related to the president of the EU? confused.gif

Na, that doesn't even make sense!

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Have you seen the state of ofp multi-player lately... I dont think you guys have to worry too much about who plays the villain. I dont play online at all anymore, and by looking at gamespy, I'm not the only one.

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-----------> moving to offtopic tounge.gif

-----------> moving to multiplayer tounge.gif

-----------> toppic closed tounge.gif

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