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Keyboard Commands

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Dose anyone have or can point me in the direction of a full list of keyboard command for playing Arma. There seems to be more commands available than what are listed in the manual and in the options in game. I have tried searching forums without success.


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1. There cannot be more controls than what is presented in the game options menu.

Unless you mean... something like this:

When choosing the color of your squads, say 2-10 are yellow. 13-14 are green, and 1,11,12,14-20 are blue. In order to select... say team blue, hold shift and press the key of any unit of that color and that whole squad will be selected. I'm pretty sure that wasn't in the manual or game-options. I just happened to find that out by mistake. Now if there were more controls like this, I'd personally like to know what they are as well.


Otherwise, the only thing I can say is, please for the love of god make your thread titles more descriptive.. I don't foresee a forum upgrade in the near future (even after ArmA2).. and don't see the possibility of renaming threads coming soon ether.

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As far as i know there isnt a list of all the commands.

I suggest you get a piece of paper and write them all down.

Also some of them arent assigned to keys by default so its a good ting to go trough them all to see if there are some usefull ones.

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OK thanks for the help guys seems as though I have most of the commands, I guess the main problem is that are so many. Some I hear the guys talking about may be tied up with mods they are using so will just keep asking in game.

Thanks again


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