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- LoneWolf -

All weapons in ammo crate?

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Alas, I do not know that, but I would hope that it would be easier than this addweapon etc.....

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Try 'Arma Edit' found Here!

Has a custom crate builder as well as other nifty features! smile_o.gif

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have u tried the US special weapon pack?? i believe it has all the weapons + some nice UI for picking weapons.

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Here you go its only part of a script but it does what you need it to do and sould work.

save as a .sqs file then call it in your mission with [cratename] exec "Namescript.sqs"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_Dump = _this select 0

ClearMagazineCargo _Dump

ClearWeaponCargo _Dump

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_GL",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG_GL",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M4",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M4GL",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M4AIM",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1SD",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1GL",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["G36K",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["G36C",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["G36A",20]


_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["MP5A5",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["MP5SD",20]


_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M249",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M240",20]


_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M24",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M4SPR",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M107",20]


_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M9",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M9SD",20]


_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["M136",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["JAVELIN",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["STINGER",20]



_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",700]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36",300]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD",700]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_M203",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_M203",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_M203",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_M203",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_M203",100]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD",100]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["200Rnd_556x45_M249",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_762x51_M240",100]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["5Rnd_762x51_M24",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_556x45_Stanag",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["10Rnd_127x99_m107",100]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["15Rnd_9x19_M9",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["15Rnd_9x19_M9SD",100]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["M136",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["JAVELIN",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["STINGER",100]




_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["AK74",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["AK74GL",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["AKS74U",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["AKS74UN",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["AKS74PSO",20]


_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["PK",20]


_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["SVD",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["KSVK",20]


_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["RPG7V",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["STRELA",20]


_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["Makarov",40]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["MakarovSD",40]



_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_545x39_AK",300]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_545x39_AKSD",100]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_GP25",50]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_GP25",50]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_GP25",50]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_GP25",50]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_GP25",50]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_762x54_PK",100]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["10Rnd_762x54_SVD",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["5Rnd_127x108_KSVK",100]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD",100]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["PG7V",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["PG7VR",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["STRELA",100]




_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["PipeBomb",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["TimeBomb",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["Mine",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["MineE",100]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellRed",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellGreen",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["SmokeShell",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["HandGrenadeTimed",100]

_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade",100]



_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["Laserdesignator",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles",20]

_Dump AddWeaponCargo ["Binocular",20]


_Dump AddMagazineCargo ["Laserbatteries",100]


Last time I checked this where all the weapons, and if you got questions just post it.

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