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Screen shot

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How do I get a screen shot to add to Briefing/Overview?


Not very tech this one but has me baffled all the same wink_o.gif

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Try FRAPS or XFire or some other 3rd party screen capture utility program.

Edit: <s>Correct, there is no built-in screen shot capture functionality.</s>

Edit 2: Oops, didn't know you could PrintScreen and paste.

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Thanks for reply. So I need 3rd party capture software then, There is no arma screen shot facility?

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Shift +print screen??

Then you open up your favo picture editing tool and you copy past it into it and then you simply save it.

P.S. Works in almost every game

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Well probally depents on the keyboard cause on my keyboard the printscreen is above SysRq what ever that may be

Edit:Typo fix

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