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who where found this dll(d3d9.dll) compatible with arma!

Arma crash the cause is this dll banghead.gif

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I would hazard a guess and say it wants you to get the latest DirectX.


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who where found this dll(d3d9.dll) compatible with arma!

Arma crash the cause is this dll banghead.gif

I am getting this error also with 64bit vista. I thought vista came with the latest dx9.0c? Do you guys think dowloading it again would mess up my system?

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ok sweet got ArmA to start up finally. Basically what I did was google dx10 and it brought me to this M$ page and I just clicked the button that said "Get latest diretx" and followed instructions.

I thought vista came with all the stuff before dx10.

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I have windows xp ! and I have the last version of directx banghead.gif

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