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Loneley boy hacker

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So has anyone else experienced these jerks with the hack that blows things up, takes over admin and tells onscreen stories about Bob ' o Toole?

dont get me wrong the guy who was using this was obviously a real 'tard which was obvious through his text chat, (and 99% sure figured out which one it was wink_o.gif )however the worrying thing was some of the things said seemed to point in the direction that he was from a certain squad or server and was out to discredit servers he was using this on to keep public off them.

If anyone has any info on this or any ADs for nobs who have used it could we post them here and turn the tables smile_o.gif

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Have you ever considered looking into Multiplayer section of the forum? This sort of thing pops up everyday there.

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Yea you really don't even need to look. I promise you on the front page somewhere this is being discussed.


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aye, i've seen some random pop-up story things about that certain person, mainly in Berserk Server's..


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There are plenty of hacking/cheating threads.

Use the search function (or just browse back a few pages) and take your pick...

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