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second respawn point?

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how do i make it so that ifi have 1 base then later when certain conditions are meet like clear out opfor base and then the old opfor base would become our new base like base 2 or something, and vehicles could be respawned there aswell. smile_o.gif

I know the respawn_west , east ,guer but how do i do it so there can be added a new respawn zone for west?

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Check out the Respawn Dialog. Add all your markers. Then add a little extra condition check in the dialog script as to which spawn points are allowed at the given time and leave it out of the list. You could check for markerType or create some other boolean condition. I'll be doing the same thing in a few weeks.

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thx dude but i have only scratched very little on dialogues, im more intrested in a simpler way even though dialogues would look very special and nice. smile_o.gif

like if i can have a trigger say opfor not present or fleeing then allow west base to spawn to that place. tounge2.gif im gonna go check around some stuff. but right now im to tired to edit cause i got home from work and im sleepy goodnight.gif

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Well, did you figure out a more simple way, like progress? I'm thinking of moving the Respawn_West point to other points when "OPFOR notpresent" triggers complete.

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