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Will arma get compatible with vista in the future?

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Hi, does anyone know if arma will get compatible with vista in the future by a patch or something?

It would seriously be needed for all the vista users who experience bad performance with arma.

And does anyone know if the expansion will improve arma performance-wise?


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I've got both WinXP and Vista (dual boot) - in most of my tests with games, it's Vista that is the problem.. not really the game. Vista just uses alot more of the computers resources.

All games are running DX9 in Vista - that might be another issue. We probably won't see any improvements until DX10 then of course games have to be specifically made to support DX10. Unless Arma will support DX10 with a patch or something, we'll probably never see a performance improvement with Arma on Vista.

Your best bet for smoother gameplay is to play your games in WinXP - better suggestion is to dual boot WinXP/Vista so you get the best of both worlds.

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And why you can't use one of the many existing Vista threads for asking that question.

Please use the search before starting a new topic about something that probably has been asked (and answered) before.

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