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How do you make players start with NVGOGLES on?

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I have 12 players some are recon some are saboteurs so I added NVGOGGLES to the recons and put this in the init.sqs

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

{_x action ["NVGOGGLES",ANYTHING]} foreach units mygrp

It works perfect in testing but in MP off the server it doesn't work.

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I use:- this addweapon"nvgoggles"

in the init line of the unit,might not be what your after but works in mp

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Well that's what you use if you want to ADD nvgoggles. That's what I use for the Recons inits because they come only with laser designators.

It all works testing in the Editor. Just in MP they don't turn "on" at the start of the mission. Get it? Like if you want to turn the NVG's "on" would be "player action ["NVGOGGLES",BLAHBLAH]" in the init.sqs and it would work in the Editor but not on a server.

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Cant the players turn it on them selves? All they have to press is N??? lool

If its AI they do it auto.

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Well that's what you use if you want to ADD nvgoggles. That's what I use for the Recons inits because they come only with laser designators.

It all works testing in the Editor. Just in MP they don't turn "on" at the start of the mission. Get it? Like if you want to turn the NVG's "on" would be "player action ["NVGOGGLES",BLAHBLAH]" in the init.sqs and it would work in the Editor but not on a server.

Yeah i got ya now!

Just woke up for work when i posted ! biggrin_o.gif

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Make sure that mygroup is still valid, remember that in MP certain playable units can be disabled, so you must make sure that if your naming a group where all the units are playable to make sure you put the name in each unit's init incase some of them are disabled. Also try using the unit itself (_X) instead of 'ANYTHING'.

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Cant the players turn it on them selves? All they have to press is N??? lool

If its AI they do it auto.

Yea, it was just a convenience thing. After the intro fades to black you're like "wtf" because I used "camUseNVG true" for the cam then all of a sudden its just black. It takes a couple seconds (unless you have your gain cranked) to realize you are playing. :P Now I put the squad closer to the city and placed a fire near them so you don't wonder wtf's up after the intro.

I released the mission anyway yesterday, depbo it and you can see its still in the init.sqs.

Kyle that was the first way I did it because I forgot about "foreach unit". biggrin_o.gif I've been away from this too long...

I would actually call this a tiny bug. My first impression was "well it is actual players in MP", but then I though again "wait a minute what's the difference between me being a player in the Editor and players in MP?" Their is no (at least their should be no) difference in control between the two!

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Make sure that mygroup is still valid, remember that in MP certain playable units can be disabled, so you must make sure that if your naming a group where all the units are playable to make sure you put the name in each unit's init incase some of them are disabled. Also try using the unit itself (_X) instead of 'ANYTHING'.

Wait a min. I see what you're saying. I'll try now.

UPDATE: still didn't work. I'm pretty sure I tried this long hand before I remembered foreach units grp. I'll try a trigger and delay 1 sec... confused_o.gif

UPDATE 2: WOW IT WORKS!!!!! I delayed a trigger 1 sec Min and put {_x action ["NVGOGGLES",_x]} foreach units mygrp

in the on Act. So this is a bug. Minor bug none the less a bug. I also found out my last minute addition of the spectator script overruled my outro script. I have to do a v1.10 update to fix this stuff. Thx guys for all your help!

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