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OFPR, ArmA scripts...

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Can they work together? In other words, can you use OFPR scripts in ArmA without changing anything? Are the commands the same, etc..?

Also, is there a PRINTABLE COMREF anywhere? I would like a copy of it on hand as I'm editing missions.


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There pretty much the same but yes you will have to change the code in 80% of the scripts.

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I've converted a couple and it's not too bad generally.

First, you'll likely have to correct {} and "" to arma's standards. In ofp, they where practically interchangeable, but not in arma.

Second, change any classnames referenced in the old ofp script to reflect arma classnames.

Third, a couple of commands don't work in exactly the same manner anymore, so you'll have to substitute here and there. For example, you can't camcreate an empty vehicle anymore and have to use createvehicle instead. You'll find these just by running the script.

Fourth, optionally convert to sqf format. Easier than some of the old crowd people seem to think. You can find some good info on that subject here:


Also, *functions* tend to work fine with no modification at all in my experience.

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OAC (OFP ArmA Conversion)

Quote[/b] ]Between Operation Flashpoint and Armed Assault there are some technical changes which don't allow a seamless transfer of content from OFP to ArmA. There are various different technical parts, yet OAC solely concentrates on the conversion of the CWC + Resistance class system, description.ext and scripts - in summary the technical side of missions.

At this point the goal is not an one-to-one mission conversion to Armed Assault. This is not possible due to the missing content in various aspects. The goal is to convert mission scenarios, templates and script systems. This means in detail that its main purpose is to make OFP content work in ArmA, not behave exactly the same. The process is meant to be as much automated as possible, still human interaction will still be required at some point. The project aims for doing the job as complete as possible. However in more complicated cases it will be a decision between effort and use.

So in summary the goal is to convert complex and advanced missions or scripting projects.

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Over at www.ofpec.com we have an offline command reference (COMREF), you can find it in the Editors Depot I think it's under resources.

However, I recommend that you don't print it. It's about 400 pages long as far as I can remember wink_o.gif.

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Over at www.ofpec.com we have an offline command reference (COMREF), you can find it in the Editors Depot I think it's under resources.

However, I recommend that you don't print it. It's about 800 pages long as far as I can remember wink_o.gif.

Oh dang....

lol I don't think I will then.

Thanks for all that info guys!

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Get ScriptEdit <--- This is something of a godsend if you script at all.

It even has the command reference taken straight from the wiki (updateable) in a panel on the right side.

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