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Hiding a body

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Does hiding a body have any impact on the logic, or is it determined by how the mission is scripted. Is there any regonised effect of implementing this?

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Your question is very hard to understand. Could you please re-phrase it.

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He ment does the enemy actually notice a body and take action, or if when the body is hidden is actually serves a purpose smile_o.gif

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In my opinion, if you want AI soldiers to react to dead bodies somehow, you would need to script it.

For OFP people made such scripts, if you go to for example to http://www.ofpec.com/ you could maybe find such a script and try if it works out-of-the-box for ArmA, if not maybe modify it so that it does.

For example a search for "bodies" at OFPEC Editors Depot returns function guard2.sqf http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depo....earch=1

a function which could be usable.

Quote[/b] ]Allows guards to react to dead bodies. First parameter is an array of the guards, second parameter is how much the live guard must know about the dead body before the function returns true.

I am sure there is something else for this too out there somewhere, like some hidebody script by someone (I don't remember details about it) but guard2.sqf is what I could find fast.

Best Regards,


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Thanks baddo, your opinion is probably correct. But if anyone knows for 'certain' please respond.

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I've been experimenting with the hideBody and deleteVehicle commands recently so I can emulate a sustained battle without leaving more corpses than landscape. From what I've seen, applying hideBody is just a junk removal technique.

I haven't seen the AI react any differently with and without corpses. By default they only seem to react when the squadmate is killed and after that they move on. If you want them to do something because of the corpse then you'd have to script that I think.

I have noticed a difference on older computers performance though. Hiding the bodies trades off a very short processor hit for longer term graphics performance since the rendering engine dosen't have to draw all the bodies that accumulate.

I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but this is what I've observed.

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