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SLA Desert VEHICLE Replacement Pack

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Link:  Download HERE

Also available at ArmedAssault.de: SLA Desert Uniform AND Vehicle replacement pack addons in one zip file  Thank you for the mirror.

Are you tired of looking at the green SLA camo?  Do you play misions that are in the desert part of the island, or play on a modfied desert island?

This replacement pack changes the default SLA woodland camo VEHICLES to the SLA Desert vehicles created by Rellikki.  This works in Single Player and Multi-Player.  It is client side only, and visually changes the vehicles to the player with the addon.  This addon is not required on the server you are playing to work.

You also need Rellikki's Addon to get this addon to work.

Link:  SLA Desert Troops by Rellikki

Here are some pics of the vehicles (from Rellikki's post):

Link:  PIC 1


The "SLA_DES_VEH_REPLACE" file replaces the UAZ and Ural class vehicles to desert camo.  The "SLA_DES_ARMOR_REPLACE" file replaces the SLA armored ground vehicles to desert camo.  The "SLA_DES_AIR_REPLACE" file replaces the SLA helicopters to desert camo.


1) Just add Rellikki's Addon and these replacement pack addons to your Addons folder.


2) create a mod folder, place all files in folder, and then activate folder in target line of Arma.exe

Credit:  This Replacement Pack option was possible because of Colonel SandersLite previous replacement packs.  This replacement pack would not be possible were it not for him.

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Kenbow i love you, cough cough. Woke up this morning popped on the forums and couldn't believe my eyes. Considering i only mentioned it yesterday and you uploaded it before i could say "spank my ass". Thank you so much.


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