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I was having nonstop CTD

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So I was trying to fix it by means of maxmem switch, and other settings but I was out of ideas.

Then I tried one thing I hadn't yet, I switched my AGP aperture setting from 64mb to 128mb.

I played 8 hours yesterday without a single CTD. If you have an AGP card it might be worth trying.

My system specs are...

P4 2.53 533fsb


SoundMAX onboard audio

EVGA 6600GT 128mb

1GB PC2700

I know it probably wont help everyone, but it may help someone...

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great to hear, its been a fix for AGP users here smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Enter BIOS at startup of comp usually by pressing delete key and search for the AGP settings.

For those with AGP cards lower than 512 MB who also want to have the ability to "unlock" higher texture settings simply change your AGP aperture size to 256 MB and the features will be unlocked in Arma video options while there may be issues with the displayed result. With my AGP GT 7600 it works great.

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