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Getting in vehicles in MP and teleporting

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I'm pretty sure this has been reported earlier, but I searched and couldn't find it, so sorry if I'm repeating someone.

When you have an non-moving AI as group leader in MP missions, and you enter a vehicle and drive off he will keep saying 'Return to formation'. Once you get out of the vehicle he will say '<number>, driver, get in <vehicle you just disembarked>'. Now on several occations, if you enter another vehicle, you'll end up in the vehicle you just disembarked and AI told you to get in to. This can happend even if this vehicle is on the other side of map, making sure you're making one helluva teleport.

It isn't easy to recreate this, but I've manged to do this on user made mission, as the AIs here often have no idea what to do and is basicly standing still the entire mission.

Never the less it's quite confusing and ofcourse annoying so it would be nice if BIS would look into this. I recon other ppl have experienced the same thing?


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It has been mentioned that teleportation involving vehicles may be an effect of FADE -- I don't know if that's true, but keep that in mind.

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has happened to me on several occasions. Once i got in a jeep on the main Everon island, and was teleported to a jeep on the small island go the east.

has happened to me while i was hosting a game, and has happened to a friend who had joined.

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Hmmm, this FADE thing, how does it actually work? I have the original 1.0 CD, only applied official 1.20 and 1.30 versions (no betas) and run the game with CD in the CD-Rom (no NOCD patches). And ofcourse I use the CD-KEY in the manual.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Rekrul on 1:50 am on Dec. 19, 2001

Hmmm, this FADE thing, how does it actually work? I have the original 1.0 CD, only applied official 1.20 and 1.30 versions (no betas) and run the game with CD in the CD-Rom (no NOCD patches). And ofcourse I use the CD-KEY in the manual.

-Rekrul<span id='postcolor'>

There's not a whole lot of reliable information available about FADE -- it isn't in CM/BIS best interest to document this.

What we do know is that it isn't supposed to cause crashes or lockups. It will cause disconnects in MP games, performance and functionality degradation, and other annoyances, though.

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I have run into a similar problem with an AI group leader and vehicles. And yes, I do have a purchased copy of 1.2 running the CD every time rather than a no-CD crack.

I will drive a vehicle, say, BMP to where *I* want to go and when I stop he'll order me to disembark, which my character does. That irritates the #### out of me since I don't want to drive my BMP into the thick of things only to wind up standing outside being ventilated by hostile natives.

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