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Really appreciate some more ships in ARMA. Getting boring with the 4 different little things. Howsabout a real troop landing craft. Someone made the higgins boat for Flashpoint? could this be dragged accross to Arma? Or even an up to date landing craft that can cope with tanks and troops for a real marine assualt?

Nice thread btw. Good to keep it all in one place.

Thanks in advance


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Any medium sized fishing vessels to put in the bearths @ Corazol or any other port town on the island would be awesome.

I did see that someone has a large container ship in the works but i think it may more scenery than actual vehicle but still really cool.

Tankers, tugs and barges would also add tons of ambiance to the harbours.

@cjtroop The porting of ofp addons (especially vehicles) to ArmA is apparently not so easy. check around in the ArmA modeling section for more on that.

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