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a-10 feels weird

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Hmm. Just my two cents... I am pilot so i at least have a little sense of how aerodynamics work (certainly no expert), but ArmA fixed-winged aircraft definitely don't feel like they are flying. You have to play the game "physics"; not actually fly the aircraft. It's as if you're not working with lift, thrust, weight, and drag, but a weird mixture of X,Y, and Z and speed up/slow down.

There are plenty of other quirks that I have a hard time putting in to words (like how the angle of attack of the wing doesn't affect lift as it should), and I'd rather get back to the subject.

My stance would be that the A10's (and both SU's) are not necessarily underpowered (they are a bit) but rather too heavy and do not produce enough lift. The aircraft should climb without having to be at the high speeds the game engine requires. It's miserable to be at full power and seeing the VSI frozen at a big fat goose egg. I hope they will be fixed like the harrier (satisfactorily) was (mostly).

That being said, it seems a lot of people are having issues with the A10 specifically because they are not used to being able to turn the aircraft fast enough to stall it. It's not as easy to do in the Av-8. No complaints here about having it stall with a sharp turn, but there still is a lack of lift thats contributing to it too much... which turns into a sink rate thats irrecoverable. (Try it out- fly straight at full power, bank, pull up and watch your VSI go flat or down... )

What really irks me was that they didn't bring the Frogfoot in simultaneously with the A10... but that's another subject...

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Heres just another hint for you guys that are having trouble. Theres no reason ever to let off the throttle. Unless your landing keep that pedal buried, so to speak.

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