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AI to shoot Objective E

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Is there any way to make an AI sniper shoot an objective E???

I used the dotarget and then the fire command:

Quote[/b] ]

sniper01 dotarget objective1

sniper01 fire "m24"

But it makes him fire up in the air. And with the dofire command it does nothing, just targets the objective and that's all

any help???

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make your target and name it "objectiveE" make the sniper and name it "sniper" then make a trigger, activated by: Radio Alpha, in the OnAct line type in:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">sniper commandFire objectiveE

When you need the sniper to fire on the objective just press 0 0 1 and he'll kill it. If you need dynamic i.e: he has to fire at ObjectiveE by himself, I would try something like this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">sniper dotarget getpos objectiveE; sniper commandFire objectiveE;

and put that in the sniper's waypoint. You could also create a trigger actived by the side the ObjectiveE is on, located near the ObjectiveE. I'm not sure how reliable that method is though.

The waypoint method works flawlessly if you have line-of-sight from sniper to ObjectiveE.

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Ok this blue guy here is objectiveE


And I guess it means "Objetivo Estatico" as I have an spanish version of ArmA so its name in english version should be ObjectiveS (S stands for static)... but its only a guess.

Ok, that blue guy is "objective1" and I want my sniper guy to shoot at it.... and I've tried all the commands.... commandfire, dofire, even fire and nothing happens...well the fire command makes him shoot way up in the air as if he was shooting a .50 gun.

Any ideas how to make AI shoot an object?? I tried changind its side in the mission.sqm too... huh.gif

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Cant really remember but dotarget and dofire should work. However in OFP i think it had to be a real person for that to work but I could e wrong. Its been a long time since ive done any OFP scripting but you could give it a go. Plus in ArmA the commands may work slightly different.

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Ok this blue guy here is objectiveE


And I guess it means "Objetivo Estatico" as I have an spanish version of ArmA so its name in english version should be ObjectiveS (S stands for static)... but its only a guess.

Ok, that blue guy is "objective1" and I want my sniper guy to shoot at it.... and I've tried all the commands.... commandfire, dofire, even fire and nothing happens...well the fire command makes him shoot way up in the air as if he was shooting a .50 gun.

Any ideas how to make AI shoot an object?? I tried changind its side in the mission.sqm too... huh.gif

If you name the range target the sniper still doesn't fire at the target? Hmm, I haven't tried targeting a range target before. In a pinch, you could download Mapfact's Airpack and Map_Misc addons and use an invisible target that's placed directly in front/on the range target.


Map_Misc Update

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