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Randomized weapon sounds

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It's possible that someone's already done this,

but if they have,I haven't seen a working example.

Here's where I am,in any case.

Basically I randomized the firing sound of a weapon,

via this script,with the fired EH:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_array = _this select 0

_unit = _array select 0

_weapon = _array select 1

?!(alive _unit):exit

?!(_weapon == "SOPMODm4"):exit

_Fire = ["M4a","M4b","M4c"]

_Soundsource = "EmptyDetector" createVehicle [0,0,0]

_Soundsource setpos [getpos _unit select 0,(getpos _unit select 1)+2,(getpos _unit select 2)+1];

_sound = random count _Fire

_sound = _sound - (_sound % 1)

_Soundsource say (_Fire select _sound)


Here's an example of the result.

Short clip

What I need to know,is if it's possible to transfer that

script directly into the Fired Eh,rather than just "triggering"

it.If you see what I mean.

You may not hear it in the clip,but there's a tiny delay

between "click" and sound.I was hoping,if the code

could be executed from within the EH,it might speed things

up.So,can it be done?

I'd appreciate any help or advice.



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?, ~, goto etc don't work in code strings. You can use if(bool)then{code} for conditions, or while "bool" do{code}

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{

_unit = _this select 0;

_weapon = _this select 1;

if(alive _unit && _weapon="SOPMODm4")then{

_Fire = ["M4a","M4b","M4c"];

_Soundsource = "EmptyDetector" createVehicle [0,0,0];

_Soundsource setpos [(getpos _unit select 0)+(sin getdir _unit)*2,(getpos _unit select 1)+(cos getdir _unit)*2,(getpos _unit select 2)+1];

_Soundsource say (_Fire select ((random count _Fire)-0.5));

deleteVehicle _Soundsource;



Remove line changes.

The delay might be partly caused by createVehicle. It will also cause extra traffic in MP (global command), maybe it could be replaced with camCreate.

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[..]i randomized the firing sound of a weapon, via this script,with the fired EH[..]
Quote[/b] ]

class CfgSounds


class KABOOM1



sound[]={"ur sound",100,1.0};



class KABOOM2



sound[]={"ur sound",100,1.0};




class eventhandlers


fired=[_this select 0] exec "\folder\ehfired.sqs";


the script "ehfired.sqs" :

Quote[/b] ]


_randomsound = random 15

if(_randomsound > 0 AND _randomsound < 2)then{playsound "KABOOM1"}

if(_randomsound > 1 AND _randomsound < 3)then{playsound "KABOOM2"}




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Thanks for the assistance guys,

There's enough there for me to experiment


Btw,if it's of any relevance.The "emptyDetector"

is the sound source,because as far as I'm aware,

the "say" command won't operate on a weapon.

That,and the fact that only one sound per mode,

can be allocated to a weapon.I could've used the unit

as the sound source,but then it would be locked

to him.So the "emptyDetector" allows me to put

the sound where I want it.

I only mention it,because I noticed Sin/Cos.

Which would indicate movement,yes?Which

I don't really need,except upon creation.

Also,the "playSound" command will always

be played at the players location,rather than

at the source.And the source is where I'd prefer

to have it.

Anyway,thank you both for your help,much

appreciated.With my average scripting,I wouldn't

have known how to proceed.

If I can achieve what I'm after,I'll post any



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I only mention it,because I noticed Sin/Cos.

Which would indicate movement,yes?Which

I don't really need,except upon creation.

No. Sin/cos will offset the sound 2m to the direction of the unit on the xy plane, not always 2m north of it like it was in your script. You could have the unit say the sounds, that way you'd get rid of the createVehicle command and the setpos stuff. The position of the sound might be weird from 1st person view or something though.

You might need to delay the deleteVehicle command for the sounds to work but don't leave it out completely. Replace deletevehicle with _soundsource exec "deletess.sqs"



deleteVehicle _this


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