hedcrusha 0 Posted June 23, 2007 Hi im just wondering if its possible to add more camera views as we have 2 default views 1st person and 3rd person, so im wondering if its possible to add a 3rd or maybe a 4th veiw at all? Any help would be much appretiated. Thanks in advance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rg 0 Posted June 23, 2007 I am also wondering this. I doubt it, but MAYBE it's possible. I guess you would need another key assigned or maybe you can cycle through the views, but to have multiple viewpilots/extCameras, doesn't seem possible. As a related question, 1) Is the a way to lock the 3rdperson view from moving or at least control the axis' in which it rotates without affecting 1st person view head movement? 2) Or better yet, give the 3rdperson view (extCamera) the same characteristics as first person view? (the movement axis of 1stperson is different from the 3rdperson axis) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BraTTy 0 Posted June 23, 2007 Couldn't you just add a useraction and some camera modes. Hey this guy would like your help http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=64764 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hedcrusha 0 Posted June 24, 2007 Thanks BraTTy ive already pm'ed him and hes happy now. This useractions could you explain a little about this as im unsure what you mean. Once i understand ill give it a blast. And rg7621 ive also asked this in older threads of my own wether this is possible to give the 3rd person view the same characteristics as 1st person as i would realy like to impliment leaning in 3rd person. Ive tried searching to see if i could bind the head bone 1st person cam uses to 3rd extcamera view but no joy. Ive tried adding a new key bind to a 3rd view but didnt work as planned, need more info on this as i could be doing this wrong. Thanks for the replys anyways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
geloxo 2 Posted June 24, 2007 I found a way to define your extra view as follows, but currently no firing is possible, sorry. This is a cutscene tool so no HUD will be visible: Quote[/b] ];Handy tools for cameras by geloxo. Trackcam;Feel free to use the code here on your scripts or modify it but please share the resulting script ;[name of unit, [xoffset,yoffset,zoffset], time limitation] exec "\ht\trackcam.sqs" ;example: [heli,[0,0,-10],300] exec "\ht\trackcam.sqs" ;get camera settings _unit = _this select 0 _timelimit = _this select 2 _newpos = getposASL _unit ;define relative time at start of this script _initialtime=daytime ;positional offsets for the camera (these are relative to the vehicle) _xoff = (_this select 1) select 0 _yoff = (_this select 1) select 1 _zoff = (_this select 1) select 2 ;create a virtual camera unit _cam = "HeliHEmpty" createvehicle _newpos _cam switchcamera "internal" #loop ;get actual time and calculate the time difference to _initialtime in seconds _actualtime=daytime _runtime=(_actualtime-_initialtime)*3600 if (not(alive _unit) or (_runtime > _timelimit)) then {goto "exit"} ;update the cam's pos, so it appears to be attached to the vehicle _uxpos = getposASL _unit select 0 _uypos = getposASL _unit select 1 _uzpos = getposASL _unit select 2 ;unit´s vehicle vectorup correction to follow unit movements _vupx = vectorup vehicle _unit select 0 _vupy = vectorup vehicle _unit select 1 _vupz = vectorup vehicle _unit select 2 ;usage of relative position to unit _Ftheta = _xoff atan2 _yoff _roff = ((_xoff)^2 + (_yoff)^2)^0.5 _theta = getdir vehicle _unit _Stheta = _theta + _Ftheta _newpos = [_uxpos + (sin(_Stheta) * _roff), _uypos + (cos(_Stheta) * _roff), _uzpos + _zoff] _cam setposASL _newpos ;set cam attributes (direction must be set before vectorup) ;chase camera direction (keep unit heading) _cam setdir _theta if (abs(_vupx) < 0.01) then {_vupx = 0} if (abs(_vupy) < 0.01) then {_vupy = 0} _cam setvectorup [_vupx, _vupy, _vupz] ~0.0001 goto "loop" #exit ;destroy cam (to recover unit control use: _unit switchcamera "internal") deletevehicle _cam _unit switchcamera "internal" exit This will be part of my next release of the Handy Tools, still under developement. The script attachs a "virtual cam" to player (tracking in this case and static with other script) allowing player to control its movements in front of it. You can use it now if you want Just call it in this way: Quote[/b] ][player,[0,0,-10],300] exec "trackcam.sqs" defining the offsets and time limitation at your wish. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hedcrusha 0 Posted June 24, 2007 Sweet will try this tommos as im not at home! Does this bind the camera to the head so you can lean and the cam follows it by anychance? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rg 0 Posted June 24, 2007 I found a way to define your extra view as follows, but currently no firing is possible, sorry. This is a cutscene tool so no HUD will be visible:Quote[/b] ]........ defining the offsets and time limitation at your wish. Cheers Thanks for posting that, but sadly this isn't a solution for me and probably hedcrusha as well. What we (assuming you as well) really need is a second viewpilot that can be activated by one keyboard button. Or possibly a way to modify the axis characteristics of the 3rdperson ExtCamera. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
geloxo 2 Posted June 25, 2007 You are right. We both need the same I posted it just in case... It may give others the ideas to get the desired result we all want. The script was already on my disk and it wouldn´t do anything else that stay there till it was released It´s a matter of time to find the way to get what you are discussing.. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites