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First problem im having, is that when i place my vehicle/Rhinobus it is starting 1m off of the ground.

I checked the LODS and nothing is below the 0 in the Y axis

has this ever happened to anybody?

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starting and staying 1 m off the ground

I can of course use the setpos and move it down.... but would never feel good about leaving it like this....

In O2 when i am getting down with the zoom on the Y, and Im at the furthest point...... The Line the marks the 0, there are no VERTS below the line.... huh.gif

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Sounds like an issue with either the landcontact LOD or geometry LOD.

You could check out the old BISBus example model...

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thankyou everyone for your help with solving the floating vehicle issue.



Next question....

Is it possible to have each individual window take damage and replace the texture to a damaged version.

In the model, I have a seperate plane for each window. I have two textures... one undamaged and the other damaged.

If it is possible, how exactly would one do this? Or can anyone remember of an addon that did something similar?

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another question regarding MASS....

the blue X which represents the center of mass.... If the X is not centered....Will this cause strange things to happen....?

I was able to get the X in the center when i applied mass to the 4 wheels...because it was evenly distributed.... but then the rest of the vehicle when all together with mass applied... the X goes off to the left a meter or so....


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Not sure about the first but on the second I would check the number of point left of centre and the number of point right of centre.

If you have many more points (vertexs to collect "mass") left of centre then that can explain the shift.

Select the right hand side, check the Kgs on that side vs Kgs on the left side.

If its simply just "point-bias", select the right hand side point, read the mass and increase the number until the X shift back to centre.

Also, watch out for lost points WAY to the left, if you have just 1 "lost" point out say 30 meters and you give it mass ... same imbalance problem.

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