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Help with onMapSingleClick please?

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I'm doing a small UH60 limo service script utilizing onMapSingleClick for setting the destination.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if!(local server) exitWith {};

_chopper=_this select 0;

if (!(alive _chopper)) exitWith


playSound "beep"; playSound "statik";

[WEST, "AirBase"] sideChat "Helikopter gonderemiyoruz. Basinizin caresine bakin.";

playSound "statik";


playSound "beep"; playSound "statik";

_chopper sideChat "Alindi. Havalaniyoruz.";

sleep 1;

_chopper setFuel 1;

_base=position _chopper;

_helipad="HeliHEmpty" CreateVehicle(position player);

[grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [position _helipad,0];

[grp_UH60,2] setWaypointStatements ["true", "chopper1 land ""GET IN"""];

grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2];

waitUntil {player in _chopper};

playSound "beep"; playSound "statik";

_chopper sideChat "Nereye gidiyoruz?";

sleep 1;

onMapSingleClick '

_marker1 = createMarker ["Inis_Yeri",_pos];

_marker1 setMarkerType "Marker";

_marker1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";

_chopper sideChat "Anlasildi.";

_helipad="HeliHEmpty" CreateVehicle(_pos);

[grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [position _helipad,0];

grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2];

waitUntil {not (player in _chopper)};

[grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [_base,0];

[grp_UH60,2] setWaypointType "MOVE";

[grp_UH60,2] setWaypointStatements ["true", "chopper1 land ""LAND"""];

grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2];

deleteMarker _marker1;

playSound "beep"; playSound "statik";

_chopper sideChat "Bol sans.";

onMapSingleClick "";


I opted to use ' for the OMSC string so as not to hassle with double "" s.

The code seems to run fine until it comes to ---  waitUntil {not (player in _chopper)};  --- within the onMapSingleClick block, where it generates a "Generic error in expression" sad_o.gif

Can someone be so kind as to tell me what is wrong with the onMapSingleClick section of the above code?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for responses. I moved waitUntil out of the onMapSingleClick block and now it works, as in:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">onMapSingleClick '

marker1 = createMarker ["Inis_Yeri",_pos];

marker1 setMarkerType "Marker";

marker1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";

chopper sideChat "Anlasildi.";

helipad="HeliHEmpty" CreateVehicle(_pos);

[grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [position helipad,0];

grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2];

onMapSingleClick "";


waitUntil {not (player in chopper)};

[grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [base,0];

[grp_UH60,2] setWaypointType "MOVE";

[grp_UH60,2] setWaypointStatements ["true", "chopper1 land ""LAND"""];

grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2];

deleteMarker marker1;

playSound "beep"; playSound "statik";

chopper sideChat "Bol sans.";

Perhaps waitUntil just doesn't like to be used within an OMSC string  huh.gif

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