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Mount Artillery to Vehicle

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Is there a way to mount a D-30 artillery unit (towed howitzer) to a Hummvee?

I was playing the Evolution 3.0 map and eliminated an enemy unit, leaving the D-30 completely intact. However, when I retreived a vehicle I was unable to mount it. I wanted to drive it up to a high-point and have a turkey shoot.

Is there a special option or key I am missing something?

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  (NeonDevil @ June 19 2007,01:23) said:
Is there a way to mount a D-30 artillery unit (towed howitzer) to a Hummvee?

I was playing the Evolution 3.0 map and eliminated an enemy unit, leaving the D-30 completely intact. However, when I retreived a vehicle I was unable to mount it. I wanted to drive it up to a high-point and have a turkey shoot.

Is there a special option or key I am missing something?

D-30 is for SLA.

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  (microphone_eater @ June 19 2007,05:45) said:
D-30 is for SLA.

Don't get his hopes up - you still can't do it.. confused_o.gif

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i think one of the editor addons added some movable howitzers and static machineguns that where moveable. havent tried the feature but saw that it was in the editor.i guess its either mapfact misc or editor update 102.

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hello all,

I think(!wink_o.gif that either Lost prophet or Happylooser (or one of their chums) came up with a script for carrying BMPs under a chopper, so one imagines that a similar script might be makeable for Arty.

(Although, may be a problem as isnt arty is a static object, whilst bmp is a "vehicle"?)

Can either of these two chaps (or the real creator , if i've attributed it wrongly) let us know the possibilites?

Id love to be able to tow stuff, as im a sad logistics bloke.



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In Liberation-mod in OFP i once saw something like it when it was part of mission to be in truck that towed 45mm AT-gun. And it even seemed like gun was actually towed by truck and not just fixed to back of a truck, if i remember right.

It's scriptable alright, but who has inspiration for it? And how well it will behave?

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Its unfortunally not included yet. But scripting it wouldnt be too dificult to manage - even tho I don't like obligatory elements to be scripted and attached but rather want to have them "semihard"-coded

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I think it could work like in some ofp cti. There supportvehicle can "attach" one or more vehikel. So a boat can attach three M1 or so and they fly 10 m behind and 2-3 meters above the ground. It should be able to "grab" those static weapons,too i think.

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From that pak36 addon there was a towing.sqs and i cut it down to the main part. I am not good at understanding scipts but this is it.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; Custom Pak36 towing script by BraTTy

; Animates features in Pak36

;The Tow Truck

_brattow = _this select 0

;the Pak

_trailer = _this select 1

;Tow Truck Length To Hitch

_hitch = _this select 2

; Base Hitch Height

_hitchbaseh = _this select 3

;Length of Pak tounge

_trailfrnt = 1.7

_brattow vehiclechat "Towing"


_towdir = GetDir _brattow

_towpos = GetPos _brattow

_trailpos = GetPos _trailer

_brtx = (_towpos select 0) - _hitch * Sin(_towdir)

_brty = (_towpos select 1) - _hitch * Cos(_towdir)

_brtz =(_towpos select 2)

_heighttt SetPos _towpos

_heighttr SetPos _trailpos

_hez = (getpos _heighttt select 2) + 10000

_towz = (getpos _heighttr select 2) + 10000

_difx = _brtx - (_trailpos select 0)

_dify = _brty - (_trailpos select 1)

?(_dify == 0) && (_difx >= 0): _newdir = 0

?(_dify == 0) && (_difx < 0): _newdir = 180

?(_dify > 0): _newdir = atan(_difx / _dify)

?(_dify < 0): _newdir = atan(_difx / _dify) + 180

_brtx = _brtx - _trailfrnt * Sin(_newdir)

_brty = _brty - _trailfrnt * Cos(_newdir)

_trailer SetPos [_brtx,_brty,(_trailpos select 2)]

_trailer SetDir (_newdir) - 180


goto "tow"

All i did was name a 5t truck as "truck" an m119 as "gun" and made a trigger "alpha radio" "repeat" in onactivation i put <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[truck, gun, 6, 1] exec "towing.sqs"

the edited script just loops and right now no way to stop it, but all you have to do is add a command line in there that when true exits script, and you would need a second trigger via radio command to make the statement true. on problem is the gun will rotate when the vehicle is not move. I put the ~.1 just so when i stop the gun doesnt rotate at 60rpm.

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