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How many people Crash

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List youre Audio and Chipset if you crash TY  and driver ver banghead.gif


Audigy 2 zs 2_09_0016

Ati 6.7

Nforce 3 250 5.11

Computer Restarts on its own


If you youre computer restarts while playing arma right click on my computer go to propertieys Click the advancced screen, then click start up and recovery options. unckeck the box that says Automatickly Restart. next time you crash Write down the driver name shood be in the 1/3 the way down stp4d.sys nv4mini.sys examples. then go to Serch type it in right click when you find it and go to propertys then version you shood get a company name now and version serch google for that and get a new driver or post it and i will try to help

SecroRom issues


go to C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\SecuROM\UserData

then Downlaod Unlocker  http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/


Then highlight all the files in \SecuROM\userdata right click click unlocker move to desktop

then go to C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch and delete the stuff inside of it

then C:\WINDOWS\Temp and delete

and delete the stuff inside of it and then

C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Local Settings\Temp

and delete the stuff inside of it

Congrats you just got rid of alot of junk

then if you want download Regclener 4.3


Find the 3 secrRom Entrys and Delete.

restart and try to play And yes my game still plays will SecroRom Files off my pc

Game crashes to desktop


Get rid of any Unoffical Addon 58 files shood be in youre addons folder.

delete arma folder in my docs

do the above to clear out files

Remove non offical addons.

Look at C:\Documents and Settings\User name\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\ and look for Arma.rpt right click and open with notepad look all teh way down see whats going on.

Im Realy starting to think its a EAX audigy 2 thing sad_o.gif

I wonder if VBS2 Chrashes oh i would be mad if i bought it and it did im going over to vbs fourms lol


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'My game works fine all the time'

(1.08; 4+ hours flight test session)

Edit: CodeSkyWolf, you really should update your chipset drivers;

you are using the oldest avaiable.

Nforce 3 250 5.11

Try those (if you want; full backup before) used them on

MSI K8N Neo 2 Platinium without problems.

Nvidia Unified (nforce 2/3/4) 8.22 (v5)


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My desktop:

Windows XP Home,

Athlon XP 1800


Biostar M7NCD (Pro)

NForce 2 5.10

Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB 7.5

Audigy Player ??

CTD sometimes with "CreateIndexBuffer failed (8876017c)" sometimes with nothing. Tried -maxmem=512, tried setting textures to low, no joy. Crashes happen while at menu screen, during cut scene or during mission but no more than 1 minute into loading game.

My laptop:

Pentium M 735 (1.7GHz)


?? Motherboard (TourBook)

Intel 855PM ??

Radeon Mobility 9600 64MB ??

Intel AC'97 ??

Works fine so far.

So not sure what to vote icon_rolleyes.gif

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hmm - seems i've made a mistake - checked the results

before voting - now i can't vote anymore.

Mine works fine - only had a prob with 1.08 due to

bad settings in the options but i could sort it out.

Always add one vote to the 'works fine all the time' when

watching the results. wink_o.gif

~S~ CD

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Need more testing to know, looks like I get a few more crashes than before, I'll reserve my vote.

Longer loading time.

Less stable texture management/loading after a while, it resulted in my only crash so far.

C2D 6400 @ 2.6GHz.

2G RAM PC6400 CAS4

Radeon X1800XL 256M VRAM running Cat 6.7 (not switched to 7.5 hotfix yet)


Settings @ :

terrain & object details, shading, texture quality : Normal

postprocessing, anti-aliasing & anisotropic filtering : low

shadows : off

HDR Precision : 8

using -maxmem=512

resolution 1280x1024

View distance : 4000m

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