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Basic Patrol

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I would like 2 AI Inf to patrol let say a X nr of waypoints.

I want them to do this in a loop. Allways.

I have never worked with scripts, only waypoints.

Is there a way for me to make this happen in the

editor. With waypoints only or do i need to

add scripting aswell?

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You can do this in the editor without scripts.

Place the 2 ai infantry (assuming they will be part of the same group - to group them click group then drag a line between the 2 of them), then select waypoints. Click on your soldiers (either one, since they are part of the same group). Double click where you want the first waypoint. A dialog will appear, select a "move" waypoint - which is default. Repeat however many times you want. When you have all the locations you want, then make one more - make that way point a "cycle" way point. place that waypoint near the first waypoint you created. The cycle will repeat the way points starting at the one closest to the cycle waypoint. So don't put the cycle waypoint close to the last one, or else it just repeats the last waypoint (meaning it won't move because its already there).

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Nice...I almost got it to work..

One problem:

Patrol is 2Inf and after a couple of m one of them

stops, and just stands there...

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Sometimes terrain messes with their navigation. Especially in cities, or steep terrain.

Waypoints are not 100% guaranteed for the lead unit to get to the exact point you placed the waypoint.

Try moving them around a bit.

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