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player doTarget - HOW?

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I cannot get the doTarget or commandTarget working for the player, only seems to work with AI, or if you have an AI gunner in your vehicle when the command can go to your 'number 2'.

No use in Harrier as player-pilot or Ka-50 for example.

You get the tiny-yellow square to say that you jave been assigned a target and SHOULD target that particular vehicle so in that sense it sorta works, but if the target's engine is off or it's an empty vehicle then you still have no way to actually select/designate/lock it as target.

What I need is a way to select the player's target in-script when player is the sole occupant of the vehicle.

CAN this be done? Have checked all the Wiki, all the forum, all the command-ref and come up blank.

Has anyone ever managed to force the player, say in Ka50, to get a target-lock using a script?

I have the rest of a radar targeting system worked out and coded, even down to keyboard-activated scripts to run the menu - but without being able to designate and lock the player's target from script it cannot work.

Please, anybody know how this can be done?

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I do not think you can force the player to lock on. How about creating a destroy waypoint for the player and attaching it to the target in question?

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Good idea, but won't do what is needed. The assignment of a target to the player themself IS working, hence you get the little yellow box to show the target is there and that you should attack it, however this does not actually cause the weapon system to lock-onto the target, nor allow the TAB key to select the now is-Known-about target, regardless of range or LOS.

I did try to use 'vehicle player doTarget ...' as well, but again to no avail. There MUST be a way, somehow, to do this - surely??

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Do you definitely know that the target has been revealed to the player? I'd have thought you also need to do that in order to tab to it.

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AFAIK, there was NO way in OFP to force a lock, I guess it's the same in ArmA.

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Yes the player knows about it, as the same targets are assignable and lockable for an AI gunner, just for the player no-dice when actually commadTarget or doTarget causing an actual lock.

Addon?  Maybe, I'd guess not possible for an addon to modify the exisiting weapons systems on the standard aircraft for example.

I beg of BIS to allow scriptable target locking for players.


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