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Dedicated server set-up

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i bought a dedicated server to host a public armed assault server.

but after having four weeks of on and off grief and emails between me and the server provider, im still drawing a blank

i got a spare copy of Armed Assault that i bought online from metabolic, but every time ive downloaded it and installed it, i get a corrupt file warning even though it works fine on my pc.

is there something im doing wrong or a simpler solution to this with out uploading my whole directory ?

any help would be much appreciated

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Yeah support for "standalone server files" is zero for arma , maybe in the next patch 1.08.

I used torrent in a legal way:p and installed 1.04 and updated it to 1.05 with my own key , you can use every key because if you going to use it for running a arma server you only need the key for installing , to run the arma server you dont need a key.

You need deamon tools because prolly you aint got a dvd driver on your server , also a torrent program is needed.

Got it downloaded , installed and running in 1 hour

Well it works for me , i used win2003 dualcore xeon server.

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im afraid to do that as it might break my agreement with the server provider but if its my only alternative :S

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Just a quick note the server only need to be installed there is standalone arma_server.exe that has no CD check built into it.

So no need for Deamon Tools at all

May i recomend this LINK ArMaTeC Dedicated server tool

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yes you need the files there but you can u0pload them from your pc and do a simple reg edit so the game thinks its installed save the code below as arma.reg and edit the path to the game so it points to the path of the game on the server then run the arma.reg to insert the key in the registry

now use said tool above to config the game and thats it.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA]

"MAIN"="C:\\Program files\\Bohemia Interactive\\ArmA"

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In some country's the the upload is low on all networks.

It would take take weeks to upload 5 gb.

Or am i missing something here.

fasted upload and most used in my country belgium is 256 Kbps or 512 Kbps huh.gif

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thats life mayeb get some one with a faster connection to do it but remember you might as well wait for 1.08 also if u compress the files with win rar its only around 2.5Gb

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Yeah unfortunately you need the full game installed on the server.

It means either you have to upload your whole game directory to the server, or the server provider goes to visit the server with the dvd.

If your server provider doesnt like either of those, Check Jolt out for rental wink_o.gif

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You dont ahve to upload the Campaigns folderor the Missions . its not needed

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well this is the plan is was gonna do any way.

i was gonna do a fresh install on my pc of ArmA, then upload all the files aprt from the Add-ons as that appears to be the biggest folder. then try and get 1 or 2 of us to drip feed Add-on files onto the server

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you cant do that as the digital signitures will be diffent and will cause the server to crash

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@armatech... rubbish. of course he can do that...

you probably meant to say... they 'can't do that' with different versions.

they just need to make sure that the .pbo's they are uploading from each persons Addons folder are all from the same version.

having 'weapons.pbo' and 'weapons.pbo.bi.bisign' from Bob's computer and 'characters.pbo' and 'characters.pbo.bi.bisign' from John's computer will have make no difference to the dedi as long as all .pbo's uploaded are from the same version.

CodeSkyWolf is correct in saying that you don't 'need' certain files to run the dedi.

At the bear minimum you need the 'ArmA_Server.exe', 'ifc22.dll', 'ijl15.dll', the contents of the 'AddOns' folder, the contents of the 'Dta' folder and the contents of the 'Keys' folder.

But, that's just to run it. Let's say you want to patch it on the remote rather than uploading all the updated pbo's from your computer again.

Often the patching software touches other pbo's and files that are unnecessary for running the dedi but the patching program still wants to update them and can't find them etc.

So, at some stage very soon after copying up your 'necessary' pbo's and files you should copy the unnecessary stuff as well...

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