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Op4 BuhBye

Script Join Group

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I know Ive seen this in here but I couldn't find it in a search.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on making ai join my group when Im in a trigger. It is for a Deticated Server mission.


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Although I'm not a "MP dedicated certified"-person I would like to assist.

(for patch 1.05 - where joinSilent isn't available)

Depending how you "stockpile" your units.

If you have a preset-group

{[_x] join YourGroup}forEach units AiGroup

if you spawn the unit

_tempSoldier =

[_tempSoldier] join YourGroup

or if you want some pre-named soldiers to join

[soldier1,Soldier3,Soldier5] join YourGroup

YourGroup may also be a specific unit, player in this example.

[soldier1,Soldier3,Soldier5] join [Player]

Please note that I'm currently at work so I can not test it, this is how I recall me doing it.

It may also be that you need to add [YourGroup] or [[Player]]

i.e. the [] round it.

Hope this get you started.

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Thanx Taurus, I can work with that. I looked it up on the Wiki and the examples werent what I needed and didnt know how to change them.

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