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Op4 BuhBye

In vehicle check

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Mr.Peanut, do you mean using the flyInHeight in the On Act. field of the same WP that has that condition? Remember, the stuff in the On Act. field will not execute until the WP condition is met. Also, flyInHeight is not always a safe way to land a helicopter, because the AI pilots do not go through a proper landing procedure (ex: looking for flat terrain, avoiding obstacles, slowly lowering altitude, landing on nearby Hs, etc...). Using the land command first is probably a good idea. The method I always use is to land it first with the land command then, once it's on the ground, use flyInHeight and engineOn to keep its engine running and to keep it from taking off. Plus, the advantage of using the land command is that the pilot is already satisfied with his landing position, so he will not attempt to take off and land (properly) again if troops wish to board.

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<s>For what I was suggesting, the WP would be an ordinary one, so that the flyInHeight would happen, and the condition for the following WP would keep the heli from moving on until the group had dismounted.</s>

<s>I agree the flyInHeight is not the best way, but if the LZ is safely away from obstacles it is the easiest. Better still is to make a WP two before the LZ with speed limited with a flyInHeight around 25-30m, and one right by the LZ with the flyInHeight of 1.5. The LZ WP can then be a type "LOAD CARGO" synched with the group's "GET IN".</s> The WP following the heli unload, no matter which way is used, should still have a condition similar to that I have given.

I am not familiar with any of the new WP types with ArmA and there are certainly more robust ways to ensure proper helicopter behaviour. Actually, if I would probably use something like Mandoble's  MandoAir at <a href="www.ofpec.com" target="_blank">OFPEC</a>(shameless plug) to execute fine helicopter control the next time I had to do so. It is written for OFP but I think it should be ArmA compatible (except for any particle effects).

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