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Where do you guys play?

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Hi Everyone.

Yesterday i wanted to play Arma. I was really into it "damn i feel like playing, and snipe some terrorists, hopefully ill find a good server with teamplay, a good mission, and maybe someone a sniper to team up with..."

Well... yesterday wasnt a good day to play Arma... I joined probably... 6 ou 7 servers. and none were good...

Eventually i would end up in a server that:

- Was too lagged

- The mission was Evolution - it was done all the way to corazol, and there were no cars, or no one taxing people to the war zone, and it would take too much time to drive to corazol to get shot in the first 10 meters inside the city.

- The mission was evolution again, with no teamplay at all.

(its a good mission, but if we dont start playing on the very begining of it, it will suck, specially because we dont have any rank to drive anything fast enough to get to the zone, and everyone is spread out. If we managed to find a good team, if we die it will take forever to meet back with the team, and so on.

- There are one or two teamkillers in the base shooting everyone.

- We join a mission where we start in the other side of the island without any cars at all to move.

- We join a mission where everyone plays alone, no sense of teamplay, specially for me (I role a sniper / spotter, and sometimes i dont fire 1 shot, just spotting enemies and sneaking around)

After a few hours trying to find a good server with people playing in teams, you eventually lose the will to play and just give up...

So my question is, where do you guys usually play? Good servers with good teamplay, good missions, and CO-OP. I Only play Co-Op. I miss the days where i would snipe specified positions to protect a squad 500 / 800 meters away.

I love the photography section on the forum, and i've seen soem really good screenshots of delta force units / motor cicles / A-10's, and other team-play looking screenshots. Are these Singleplayer screenshots, or there is a server where people actually team-up in various roles and play a mission? That would be great.

Thanks all.

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Check out Shameless Plug!

Btw the are other like minded clans + coop comunities!

Check out the Squads & Fan pages section! smile_o.gif

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KaRRiLLioN's and the 1-8th server have been my preferred places to play, however since the 1.07 demo came out I have not been on KaRRiLLioN's server as much lately.

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Just FYI, right now we are running Evo for a short while on our server. But only till we get our small team familiar with the game enough and get a set timetable when we can all get on.

Our server TroopsOfDoom is a small 10 man server and eventually we will have all options set to where we feel its best. As a group we played OFP/WGL mod and want to get as close to that feel as possible so we plan on having our server with the following setup.

No tags, no rets, no 3rd person view, map disabled and enemy skill set to .90 but precision lowered to somewhere between .50 and .60.

Once we find the settings we like, evntually we intend to only allow people in who join our TS and will do Coop missions 95% of the time. But for now its sort of a free for all since people who come in are not on the smae page as our small group. If your interested in getting into tight coop games in the future stop bye and say hello and get on us with TS when you want to.

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