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Set 3-dimensional object's vector

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Set 3-dimensional object's  vector


[_OBJECT,[_Ox,_Oy,_Oz]]call compile preprocessfile "setdir3d.sqf"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define OX 0

#define OY 1

#define OZ 2


_a = _this select 1;

_t_sin = sin -(_a select OX);

_t_cos = cos -(_a select OX);

_x =






_t_sin = sin (_a select OY);

_t_cos = cos (_a select OY);

_y =






_t_sin = sin (_a select OZ);

_t_cos = cos (_a select OZ);

_z =






#define M1(X,Y) ((_x select X) select Y)

#define M2(X,Y) ((_y select X) select Y)

#define ROL [\


M2(0,0) * M1(0,0)+ M2(0,1)* M1(1,0)+ M2(0,2)* M1(2,0),\

M2(0,0) * M1(0,1)+ M2(0,1)* M1(1,1)+ M2(0,2)* M1(2,1),\

M2(0,0) * M1(0,2)+ M2(0,1)* M1(1,2)+ M2(0,2)* M1(2,2)\



M2(1,0)* M1(0,0)+ M2(1,1)* M1(1,0)+ M2(1,2)* M1(2,0),\

M2(1,0)* M1(0,1)+ M2(1,1)* M1(1,1)+ M2(1,2)* M1(2,1),\

M2(1,0)* M1(0,2)+ M2(1,1)* M1(1,2)+ M2(1,2)* M1(2,2)\



M2(2,0)* M1(0,0)+ M2(2,1)* M1(1,0)+ M2(2,2)* M1(2,0),\

M2(2,0)* M1(0,1)+ M2(2,1)* M1(1,1)+ M2(2,2)* M1(2,1),\

M2(2,0)* M1(0,2)+ M2(2,1)* M1(1,2)+ M2(2,2)* M1(2,2)\



_a = ROL;

#undef M1

#undef M2

#define M1(X,Y) ((_a select X) select Y)

#define M2(X,Y) ((_z select X) select Y)

_a = ROL;

#undef ROL

#define ROL [\

M1(1,0) * VY + M1(2,0) * VZ,\

M1(1,1) * VY + M1(2,1) * VZ,\

M1(1,2) * VY + M1(2,2) * VZ\


#define VY 1

#define VZ 0

_dir = ROL;

#undef VY

#undef VZ

#define VY 0

#define VZ 1

_up = ROL;

(_this select 0) SetVectorDir _dir;

(_this select 0) SetVectorUp _up;


Set 2-dimensional object's  vector

[_object[_Ox,_Oz]] call compile preprocessfile "setdir2d.sqf"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


_a = _this select 1 select 0;

_b = _this select 1 select 0;

_dir = [

sin _a * cos _b,

cos _a * cos _b,

sin _b


_b = _b + 90;

_up = [

sin _a * cos _b,

cos _a * cos _b,

sin _b


(_this select 0) SetVectorDir _dir;

(_this select 0) SetVectorUp _up;


PS The function will work correctly only if given object do not collide with other objects (groound,water, buildings etc)

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Quote[/b] ]private["_a","_b","_dir","_up"];

_a = _this select 1 select 0;

_b = _this select 1 select 1;

_dir = [

sin _a * cos _b,

cos _a * cos _b,

sin _b


_b = _b + 90;

_up = [

sin _a * cos _b,

cos _a * cos _b,

sin _b


(_this select 0) SetVectorDir _dir;

(_this select 0) SetVectorUp _up;


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Set 2-dimensional object's vector

[_object[_Ox,_Oz]] call compile preprocessfile "setdir2d.sqf"

[_object, [_Ox,_Oz]] call compile preprocessfile "setdir2d.sqf" wink_o.gif

Great implementation of the transformation matrix biggrin_o.gif

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Looks amazing! How the hell does it work? I assume all that M stuff is matrix multiplication?

Could you explain it a little more if you can please? Sorry to ask but it really does look the business and I'd like to know more about it smile_o.gif

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