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East Detection command?

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I'm trying to add a simple detection line in a script like a trigger in editor. "NOT Detect any East units within a particular radius of a waypoint/marker/unit".  

? (waypoint _distance EAST) => 200 : goto "exit"

No EAST units within 200 of Unit(called Waypoint) to exit script.


The only option I've found that works involves creating a trigger(EAST- Not Present - Once - Radius 200 -ACTIVATE:H setdamage 4 ) and H is a unit (H Invisible object).

And in the script add this to exit it:

?(Alive H):goto "Cont"

goto "Exit"



Can someone please advise if there is another way?



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? (waypoint _distance EAST) => 200 : goto "exit"

This is about the distance of/from the unit, not about a 'detection' of it, but you know that yes wink_o.gif ?

You could use a knowsabout command like

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">soldierOne knowsAbout soldierTwo

but don't expect a miracle from it; the command is not so reliable.

And why you just don't use a Detected by ,,, triggers?

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You can use list triggername to get a pointer to the array of units which match its condition and count them with count.

1. Name trigger someTrig

2. Access it from a script:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_l = list someTrig



?count _l<1: hint "Not detected."; goto "check"

hint "Detected!"

goto "check"

Note that _l is a pointer to the trigger's array, not a copy of it so you don't need to refresh it. To make a copy of an array use +:

newArr = +existingArr

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1. Name trigger someTrig

2. Access it from a script:

_l = list someTrig



?count _l<1: hint "Not detected."; goto "check"

hint "Detected!"

goto "check"

Thanks guys, one less trigger in this one.



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