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Repawn Group & Base

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How can I set repawns for a squad for the beginning of a mission and then at a specific point at the end start having them respawn at the base.

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This worked in OFP. I have not tried it in ArmA yet. You need to make a marker called west_respawn or east, who ever you are using. This will be the start spawn.

Then you need to make a game logic called westnewspawn, put it where you want the new spawn and set a trigger for the condition you want fill to update the spawn. In the onactivation field you need to add...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

"respawn_west" setMarkerPos (getpos westnewspawn); hint "West Respawn updated"

That should update the spawn.

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Would it make any difference with my description file having the repawns set to "Group"? Or will it update that or something.

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