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Using Missions Wizard

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Can the missions wizard be used to make templates? I notice that alot of new missions have these very simple breifings they look very much like the wizards however, I tried to export by moving the files and no Luck.

This is something I think would be very helpful for many beginer mission makers as we could learn alot at a slow pace and still put out pretty nice missions.

It might even save many experienced missions makers time.

So please let me know if this can be done?huh.gif

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As far as I know the missions in the wizard are just .PBOs from the editor. You should be able to take any mission and put it in the template folder. I think?

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no they finish as a .armedassaulteditor file and do not unpbo

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You can check in the templates folders of Arma.

These .PBO files are canvas teh wizard used to make missions and can be unpbo'ed.

But You'll see. When u open it in the editor, its basacly " unworkable". All items and objects are place one on each other...

By the way, anyone know where I can find a basic templates for a CTF.


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(the following is soley my opinion, do with it what you will...)

contrary to what you would think, the mission wizard is not very useful.....for making custom maps

As soon as you try to do something different to the template, you realize how limited it is.

It might as well be in the demo. biggrin_o.gif

BAS framework link in my sig wink_o.gif

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Can the missions wizard be used to make templates? I notice that alot of new missions have these very simple breifings they look very much like the wizards however, I tried to export by moving the files and no Luck.

This is something I think would be very helpful for many beginer mission makers as we could learn alot at a slow pace and still put out pretty nice missions.

It might even save many experienced missions makers time.

So please let me know if this can be done?huh.gif

@ Breeze - The BAS f mission framework was written precisely for beginner mission makers, so if you haven't already, please download a copy (there is a link in my sig).

You will find abour 24 components pre-placed in a mission folder, including template files for briefings, and a 50-page manual which explains how to use it all.

Importantly, you don't have to use all the components (most are disabled by default), so you can get used to things at your own pace; but you will find you can create really polished missions very quickly.

The other thing you may find is that over time you will develop your own framework - a mission folder which you use as the basis of all your missions. That might be the one which comes with BAS f, or it might not, but you will find that investing time in such an endeavour will really 'pay off'.

Good luck! smile_o.gif

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