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Hi all,

I'm an ex-World War II Online player. I've unsubbed a while back due to falling numbered and performance. I loved the 'big battle' and co-op play that WWIIOL demanded.

I hate the BF2 type fps where bunny hopping and lone wolfing is the mainstay and Team A is composed of 15 snipers and 1 assualt guy.

When ArmA came out I looked past it as a BF2 type game but after recently looking further into it I think I might of been mistaken. I'm going to buy the game soon (wife stealth permitting), will I be disappointed?

Cheers guys



If it is what I need I'll be looking for a UK based squad as well so any suggestion please?

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Welcome orb!

If you ask me I would definately say go for it! biggrin_o.gif But the wisest thing you can do is try the demo and see if you like it or not. You can download it here.


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Welcome to ArmA.

As much possibility as ArmA makes for grandios battles and immersive situations, unless you make a concerted effort you'll get BF2-knockoff play like the typical MH6 rush-die-helo cycle in your typical Evolution game.

I'd suggest looking up the good brit chaps at 16AA who we've played with a number of times. They also run NATOGC which gets 6 or so units together and do company sized ops every 2 weeks abouts.

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Heya Orb505 I'm a ex wwiiol player (allied) myself welcome As far as if your going to be disapointed theres no way anyone can tell ya that really but I can say it nothing like wwiiol. For me this was a great thing, but comparing the two they are two totally different beasts. As for me I don't miss wwiiol at all.

Theres tons of brits and other euros playing, sometimes it seems like more of them then there are North Americans, finding a sqaud should not be too difficult.

If wwiiol, is what you've been used to I suspect you'll be saying "wow" alot while you play Arma, the differance in models alone is staggering not to mention the terrain. Best of luck to you.

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The game is fantastic when it works.

The unique disappointment you can get will be with an extensive list of bugs...

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Heya Orb505 I'm a ex wwiiol player (allied) myself welcome As far as if your going to be disapointed theres no way anyone can tell ya that really but I can say it nothing like wwiiol. For me this was a great thing, but comparing the two they are two totally different beasts. As for me I don't miss wwiiol at all.

Theres tons of brits and other euros playing, sometimes it seems like more of them then there are North Americans, finding a sqaud should not be too difficult.

If wwiiol, is what you've been used to I suspect you'll be saying "wow" alot while you play Arma, the differance in models alone is staggering not to mention the terrain. Best of luck to you.

Thanks for the responce,

I was Allied on WWIIOL as well before leaving. I understand that ArmA isn't quiet as big scale as WWIIOL, I was always a 'grunt' in that game, never being involved in GHC. I was just told were to fight and given orders for a specific engagement. So I think it that respect ArmA might be more of a level with my WWIIOL gaming experience.

I think I'll take the chance and buy the game, but I'll really need a UK based squad to get what I need (eg fire teams and organisation) from it.

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