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respawn elevation

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ok I want to put the respawn inside a structure. Problem is they respawn on the roof.

atm im using a marker named respawn_independant

in description.ext I have



the only elevation code Ive delt with was something i rippet off an unrelated post and is

this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, 0]

so im guessing it should be something like

respawn_independant setpos [getpos respawn_independant select 0, getpos respawn_independant select 1, 0]

but when i put that in the .ext file the game crashed. So if anyone wouldnt mind hinting me in the right direction that be nice.

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You definately cant put that in the Ext. You need to write a script that the player executes when they die that checks for them being alive again and then sets their position.

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Do a search for BuildingPos command or check the WIKI, which covers how to position a player at certain points inside certain buildings properly.

Alternatively use modelToWorld command to exactly position a player. Search this thread for usage.

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