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Permanent Cloud Over My Head!!

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Hi... first off, specs:

Vista Ultimate

AMD 64 3200+

Geforce 7900GT

ArmA Sprocket 1.05

I slipped the dx3d9 .dll into the arma folder as previously suggested by users on here, and I could load up the game fine.

When I get into the game, everywhere around me in my immidiate area is always shaded, then outside of the circle it's sunny.


I see the edge of the shadow-circle.


I run to the edge, and the shadow just keeps growing and following me.

What can I do? I've reinstalled twice, same things happen.


I just found out that when I set my Shadows to normal, everything is fine but I can't see the tree's individual shadows on my character (they're shadow-treated like rectangular buildings).

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That is a weird issue.

Hm.......do you have any relation to lucifer?

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lmao 666.

It would be soo funny if it was raining..

Which GFX Drivers are you using and why did you put the dx3d9 .dll into the arma folder in the first place?

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okay lmfao i fixed it guys.

here's my summary: those screens are what it looks like when you have a 7900 GT with factory Vista drivers and you manually put the DX9 .dll in the arma folder.


But when you install the newest Nvidia official drivers, it goes away like normal.


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hehe, anyone remember that quake 1 mod which had a little storm cloud appear over your head if it detected you were camping? The sound of the rain + lightning gave you position away.

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