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Script Edit

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A couple of suggestions :

* Add "_this" (and "_thisList"?) to some kind of reserved word list? At the moment _this is treated like other user defined local variables. In my text editor of choice, I use one set of reserved keywords for "constants", containing things like player, wind, grpNull, pi, _this, etc.

* Variable List - keep the current files variables at the top of the list.

* Mission Folder Toolbar - Display the title of the open mission folder somewhere.

* Auto-complete - does not save the case of user declared variables! eg, if I declare _myVariable on one line, then use it again, auto-complete will change it to _myvariable, even if I type the entire word before pressing spacebar. I personally don't need tab, space and enter to all accept auto-complete. More aggressive filtering in the possible auto-complete list would be excellent.

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One thing I've noticed is that it takes some time to open the editor especially if you have files associated with the ScriptEdit. These are fairly simple txt files, and when clicking on multiple files it takes some time to load ScriptEdit for each instance. Maybe I just need a faster computer sad_o.gif

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This is one of the reasons I am taking away the multiple instance functionality.

When Script Edit loads it needs to:

Load the Base MDI Interface

Load the Open Files

For each file: Load the Language (only once per language - subsequent files use same language in memory thus loading faster)

Initiate the Command file - again only once

Perform Layout

Build any Abstract Syntax Trees for class files

Refresh any data in docked panels

As you can see that is alot from start to edit. However, you can also see that subsequent files should go faster once stuff is in memory. Now, I develop this on a laptop which is a 1.6ghz P4 w/ 1gb memory and it loads in less than a second for about 5-8 open files. Also, it will depend on your anti-virus program and any other background tasks.

As I said though, I am going to drop the multiple instance functionality. This has caused more problems than solved... which is odd because every other IDE I can think of uses multiple instances.... which may be because in some real IDEs people do not open files by double clicking in explorer windows and use the IDE interface instead.


putting _this and _thisList (which ARE variables) into a reserved word list would remove any variable functionality from them. I am not too keen on that idea. I like seeing them in the variable list.

I will see what I can do about the variable list sorting, but short of removing all other files variables, I do not see a way to do that. They are sorted alphabetically by filename. Even if I did not sort, the list would be in order of file opened. I can try and maybe jump the list automatically when a file tab is selected?

The Mission Folder idea is being improved upon.

Auto-Complete: Case of variables is very difficult because OFP/ArmA is NOT case sensitive. If it were, this would be easy. Problem is you could open a file with _myVar and then _MyVar and then _myvar....

Which one do I choose? As of right now, I believe the functionality is to choose the first one and save the case. For the example above, _myVar would be in autocomplete. If it isn't, I must have broken it. I will check and see.

I am also not sure what you mean by "aggressive filtering".

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Re: List sorting - jumping to the selected file sounds good smile_o.gif

Re: Auto-complete - At the moment, all auto-completed local variables are changed into all lower case.

By aggressive filtering, I mean that only possible matches based upon all the typed letters should appear in the auto-complete list. For example, if I have typed "_myVa", the list should only contain "_myVariable" and "_myVan", but not "_myCar" or "_zebra". At the moment it seems to only show either all _local variables or everything else.

Thanks smile_o.gif

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OK, I think I understand better now.

Currently, I do make two distinctions and I will explain why.

The autocomplete will always contain "everything else" because it is meant to be a menu and not a filter. For example, if I mistype "_myVar" as "_mtV.." I will still see the correct wording highlighted and tab/enter (but not space) will correct my mispelling. If I made it a filter as you suggested, we would lose this IMO very advantageous feature. Note: space key will work normally because you may actually be creating a new variable and do not want highlighted one!

As far as local variables, I made this exception initially for performance reasons. You would never type an underscore first unless you wanted to create a local variable and ONLY a local variable. "Everything else" does not apply. Therefore I can do a parse of all text and disregard commands and globals. I will admit it does look a bit wacky.

If everyone thinks it doesn't look right, I will include private variables in with "everything else" at all times. I have learned that performance is not really an issue... and if it is.. it will be for everything regardless.

[EDIT] and yes... autocomplete vars to lowercase is a bug. It should autocomplete to first case found. (Usually is also the variable declaration section of a script) I will fix smile_o.gif

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Currently, the "Forum" area of the JadeGear website is very empty smile_o.gif

Yet, I get many requests/bugs via PM or this thread.

It is very difficult to bounce back and forth between websites and I would like to seperate some of these topics to foster further discussions/requests about the same bug/feature.

Therefore, I am going to announce that all bugs or feature requests be supplied through the JadeGear forums. I just spent the weekend rebuilding the site on a brand new server and would like to get some benefit of my toils smile_o.gif

You can comment here, obviously, but I will not respond to feature requests or bugs on this thread any longer.

Sorry. confused_o.gif


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