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Guest RKSL-Rock

Working Dampers?

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Ok Here's the problem.  I have managed to get the automatic retractable landing gear working on my Merlin HC3. BUT, and he're the rub... the dampers work in reverse!

Does anyone know how to reverse the direction of travel?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class damper_front






memory = true;



minValue= 0;

maxValue= 0.25;   // Setting this to 1 moves the damper selection up 1m. offset0=0;

offset1=-.25;                     //Seems to have no effect


I've tried all the usual stuff of defining axis and negative values but the direction of travel is still in the same direction everytime!

Any help will be gratefully received.

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see you are using the source="altRadar", nice work around idea wink_o.gif

Trying to get normal dampers to work,anyway to your question, have you tried with angle?

Quote[/b] ]

class damper_front






memory = true;



minValue= 0;

maxValue= 0.25;


angle0 = 0;

angle1 = "15";


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Guest RKSL-Rock
see you are using the source="altRadar", nice work around idea wink_o.gif

Trying to get normal dampers to work,anyway to your question, have you tried with angle?

Quote[/b] ]

class damper_front






      memory = true;



      minValue= 0;

      maxValue= 0.25;


      angle0 = 0;

      angle1 = "15";


No it doesnt work, and even if it did using an agle would be no good to me.Just to illustrate whats happening heres a very short vid:

Merlin Landing Gear and Damper problem - 3.36mb

Changing axis direction and offset or angle values seem to have no effect at all. I'm obviously missing something but i really dont know what it is.

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hmm, i would just delete the dampers thing for now. It doesnt seem to add anything "good"?

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Guest RKSL-Rock
hmm, i would just delete the dampers thing for now. It doesnt seem to add anything "good"?

I t does add something good. It fixes the height when landed. Without it the Merlin looks like its on stilts. The damper feature works well on the BIS stuff, I'd rather have everything working than just admit defeat and ignore it.

So anyone else got any ideas?

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well there is these refferences for the bikes

from main wheeled3 config

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Motorcycle: LandVehicle {

alphaTracks = 0.100000;

textureTrackWheel = 1;

class Exhausts {

class Exhaust1 {

position = "vyfuk start";

direction = "vyfuk konec";

effect = "ExhaustsEffect";



dammageHalf = {};

dammageFull = {};

canfloat = 0;

transportSoldier = 1;

driverAction = "Bike_Driver";

cargoAction = {"Bike_Cargo"};

ejectDeadDriver = "true";

ejectDeadCargo = "true";

hideWeaponsDriver = "false";

hideWeaponsCargo = "false";

damperSize = 0.200000;

damperForce = 1;

damperDamping = 3;

class AnimationSources {

class FrontDamper {

source = "damper";

selection = "pravy predni tlumic nerot";


class BackDamper {

source = "damper";

selection = "pravy zadni tlumic";



soundEngine = {"\CA\wheeled3\data\sound\motocross3.wss", 1.000000, 1.000000};

soundGetOut = {"", 0.003162, 1};

and from the vehicle itselfs config

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">damperDamping = 3;

damperSize = 0.050000;

armor = 50;

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Ok I've managed to fix this surprisingly easily by using "translation" rather than "translationY".

I'll post a tutorial about autoretracting landing gear and dampers when i get chance to.

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Ok I've managed to fix this surprisingly easily by using "translation" rather than "translationY".

I'll post a tutorial about autoretracting landing gear and dampers when i get chance to.

great,could been used on MI24.. now its "cheating" with a script.

Also want dampers on the be32 plane, makes the plane feels more heavy when you touch down.

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